Chess toast

The greatest pleasure of making bread is that the result is not entirely controllable.Despite all the preparations made at the beginning, the result is very likely to lead to deviations from the goal due to a few operational problems.This time, I'm still using Sister Liberty's square (750 grams small), the last time I did it was the way to twist the braid in the reference book, this time, I want to do it in a different way.By the way, I've seen cakes and biscuits made in the shape of a chessboard, but I've never se...


Whole wheat bread soup - soft lard

The bread is softer and more delicately structured with soup to increase the moisture content....


Grapefruit milk toast in a bread machine

Take turns pouring milk, egg juice, cream, sugar and salt into the wrapped bucket.
Then add the high flour, and the ...


Milk of the cow

The liquids (milk, eggs, oil, salt, and sugar) are packed separately in buckets.
Add high-fiber flour and finally pu...


Small and Medium Bread

This is the Chinese bread that I've been referring to in the past, I've made a toast, I think it tastes good, so try the bread this time!...


Cream and butter bread

I'm a big fan of salty things, and I'm also a big fan of this onion oil bread.I've changed it to bacon, and I hope you'll like it too......


Tofu bread rolls

All the ingredients in the mixture (except butter) are placed in the container in the order of the liquid, crystal, and ...


The World Cup is a hamburger.



Tuna bread and onion pancakes step by step

Today is the first day of my daughter's final exams, and I've been thinking about what to give her for the next few days. She asked for porridge, and to match it, I thought she liked to eat baked bread, so I had these two breads today.My daughter loves to eat, and I can't tell you how happy I am as a mother, hoping that my daughter will eat her mother's food, get good grades, and go to the ideal school!...


Blueberry and caterpillar bread

I said I was going to make a bug-shaped bread, and the baby was so excited, he kept watching me do it, and he kept saying, "It must be delicious". ...


Cinnamon wrap

The tea restaurant's pineapple bag is self-made, with a cup of iced milk tea....


Honey-based crispy bread

Place the material in the container in the order of liquid and powder.
Set up with Adifa: stir the dough for 30 minu...
