Bags of guts

It's a very soft bread, it's richer in flavor, and it's perfect with a little bit of onion....


Whole wheat paper cup bread

The so-called whole-wheat flour, which is flour that has completely preserved the peel of wheat and the milling of the wheat germ, so you can see a lot of small grains of wheat flour, and it is also rough in texture, but it contains rich coarse fibers, vitamins E and B, and minerals such as zinc and potassium.Therefore, bread made with whole wheat flour has a higher nutritional value than ordinary white bread, and also has a faint wheat flavor. ...


A small treasure of cheese

Cheese and bread, that's a good combination.Thank you for the recipe provided by Shirley. ...


Breakfast in the morning

I'm used to having a little bit of breakfast with a bowl of two-meter porridge, a few plates of small salty dishes, or a salty duck egg or something, simple and delicious, from a sweet breakfast package. ...


Rose and almond bread

Every once in a while, when I open the cabinet door, I smell the smell of roses, and that smell is so deep that I don't want to leave for a long time.I remember the other day I made rose sauce, why don't you make a rose bread? So I got up, opened the fridge, took out the rose sauce, saw the almond slices, grabbed some, spread it on the bread, made a heart-shaped, romantic color, full of rose scent, crisp with almond slices, what an unstoppable delicious pleasure!...


Onion flower rolls

My friend likes to eat bread, but his blood sugar is a little bit high, so I canceled the sugar, made a salty-tasting onion-scented bread and gave it to my friend, I didn't want to do anything at the time, I rolled the onion flowers, I remembered the flower rolls my mother made when I was a child, it was so simple, the flower rolls came out of the oven, my friend thought I had given this flower roll!...


Cranberry and rose bread

The most favorite of all fruits is cranberry, this is a bread made for friends to eat, cranberry is like a rose petal, sour, sweet, rich fragrance, attractive color, roses, with a good mood, full of the taste of friends, met the feeling of baking, love - cranberry rose bread!...


Flowered purple bread rolls

A more classic type of flowery bread, it is usually filled with soy sauce, with purple potatoes instead of soy sauce, and tastes just as good. ...


Heart-shaped jelly bread

It's very good to eat with your own golden oranges, sweet and sour. ...


Curry and mashed potatoes

A preparation of bread, used to make wheat flour. ...


Whole wheat bread with kernels

Put all the material except the butter in the wrapping machine, start a folding process, about 20 minutes, stand for 20 ...


Original meal packages

Today's small meal is still using my regular bread recipe, simple, low sugar, no oil, very healthy.The family is also accustomed to this taste, soft and sweet, no oil, less sugar, low calories, don't worry about getting fat.Today, when I made this bread, I was in a hurry, I didn't rub the dough well, so the finished product wasn't very beautiful, I ate it myself, and as soon as I got up, I asked for another one......
