Fresh strawberry cream toast

Fresh strawberries mixed with cream, sweet and fragrant, melted in the loose bread tissue, the entrance fragrance soft, the smell of spring in the mouth...


Bread with egg yolk

Add butter after stirring all ingredients except butter in the wrapping machine for 20 minutes
Smooth stirring produ...


Cream toast

It's been almost two years since I bought my bread maker, and I've never used it to make a loaf of bread.It used to be used only to knead the dough, and then it was taken out to be fermented, shaped, and then baked in the oven.I've been so lazy lately, I don't want to organize anything, so I thought I'd study the function of this bread maker.There are many different ways to make bread, and I've tried many times to finally make such a decent toast, so let's record it.Ingredients: 350 g of high starch flour, i.e. 4 g...


Gingerbread bread

Since I had a baking machine, I didn't go out to buy bread to eat, the bread I made myself was the most reassuring, and I could also give my children new patterns, this bread braid became a braid, the little boy liked it very much, he ate it slowly, the outside spices very much increased the crispy taste. ...


Embryo hot dog bread

Wheat germ is extracted from high-quality wheat grain and is a high-protein, high-vitamin E, low-calorie, low-fat, low-cholesterol nutrient that contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed by the human body.The nutritional value of the embryo is as precious as gold and is the best food to balance the nutritional imbalance of modern man. ...


Purple rice toast

Although I like all kinds of toast shaped by hand, when I don't have time, I also choose a one-click automated program, and in order for the automated program to reach the full stage in the process of shaping, I choose to complete a separate shaping program first and then start automating. ...


Rye meal packages

Go buy whole wheat flour that day, the girl who sells the flour says that the whole wheat flour is especially good these two days, if you want it, you need to book it in advance.Mima belongs to the kind of people who do what they want to do, they can't buy whole wheat flour, and of course the whole wheat bread they plan to make today is boiled.I'm not in a good mood.I went to the vegetable market and suddenly found a new continent.There's a grocery store here, and there's a small grinder, and all the food can be gr...


Bread and cheese

All materials except butter are placed in the container.
Start the dough process, and after one dough process, the d...


Danish Red Beans

A delicious loaf of bread, wrapped in Danish dough, full of red beans, every bite is sweet and thick....


Cinnamon bread rolls

Today I'm going to share with you how to make a small snail cinnamon roll.It's very simple, just deform the ordinary cinnamon roll a little bit and it instantly turns into a little snail cinnamon roll!...


Walnut and peanut toast

Walnuts are known in the country as the treasures of longevity, and peanuts are also known as the fruits of longevity, both of which have outstanding brain health effects and rich nutritional value, especially for high school students with the strongest mental work, brain replenishment is the most suitable. ...


Bread with coconut flowers

A material
The water is heated in the microwave for a few seconds, the water is warm, not more than 30 degrees, and ...
