Onion ham, egg yolk and cheese bread

First of all, the method of making bread dough is exactly the same as ordinary bread.
The material for making the do...


Cute and fragrant bread

Put the milk (keep some, don't add all), the egg juice, the white sugar, the salt in the wrapping machine.
Add high-...


Cheese bacon and onion rolls

Mix all the dry materials evenly and add the egg yolk to the milk.
Stir softly into a lump.
Add butter, rub it w...


Chocolate happiness packaging



Tea and walnut bread

Summer is here, eat some fresh bread, it'll reduce the heat. ...


Flaxseed bread

I used to love braids, but when I had kids, I cut my hair short, and it's still short.It's a boy, it's not possible to tie a braid, you can only tie a braid for bread. ...


Following Sakamoto's lead in making sausage bread

The amount in the recipe can make six loaves of bread. ...


Following Sakamoto's lead in making tuna potato bread

The amount in the recipe can make six loaves of bread. ...


It's a small cow burger.

When this little beef burger first came out, I had fun with it myself.I didn't think it would be fun to draw a cockroach eye on purpose, haha.This is a real beef hamburger, and even the filling is made from beef.My friends saw it, and they asked me, "How dare you eat such a young cow?" "Hey, these cows, they've already been destroyed by our crazy family".Just last weekend, our family had lunch with this beef burger and homemade fries.You can't escape the fate of being eaten by us....


Milk bread rolls

Milk bread rolls, another staple on the table.I put less sugar, so I can adjust it myself.This is the first time I've seen it....


Baby bear bread

This bread base square comes from love and freedom.I use a powder with a protein content of 12.2% that I bought at the supermarket, and I can also use a machine to grind the dough out of my hand. ...


Old fashioned bread

Because the old-fashioned bread tastes good, it's also one of my favorite ways to make bread. ...
