Cranberry cookies

All materials, butter softening
Cut the dried cranberries into small particles, or not at all, depending on your pre...


The cranberry cookie

I love the sweet and sour taste of cranberries, but I love their nutritional value: in addition to being rich in vitamin C, cranberries also contain many nutrients such as anthocyanins, which are the most powerful antioxidants, with 20 times the antioxidant capacity of VC and 50 times the antioxidant capacity of VE.In the eyes of Americans, cranberries are a delicious food that is antioxidant and anti-aging.Cranberry biscuits used to be a crazy network, and almost every baking enthusiast has tried this recipe, and ...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

This cranberry biscuit is one of the most common biscuits I make at home, it doesn't require butter, it's easy to make and delicious, and it has a very high success rate.Because cranberry biscuits are biscuits that need to be frozen, so every time I make more of them, I put them in the freezer when they're ready, and when I want to eat them, I can take them out and bake them, and a guest in the house doesn't have to do anything, and I can easily make a plate to entertain the guests.Cranberries themselves have a sou...


Cranberry cookies

This cookie has been made many times, my son loves it, it has no additives, it is absolutely natural, it tastes good. Oh! This one was made especially for my sister and her colleagues, thank you for her (their) enthusiastic help! ...


Zero Failure, the cranberry butter cookie

I accidentally fell in love with making cookies, so I chose the easiest one to share with you....


Cranberry cookies

The recipe is good, the sweetness is moderate, the acidity of the cranberry and the sweetness of the biscuit collide for a delicious taste, this feeling is indescribable......


The cranberry cookie

Cranberry cookies are the easiest way to start baking, but they're also delicious....


Cranberry cookies and cookies

Butter roll slices, softened at room temperature.
The softened butter, as long as you can easily rub a small hole in...


The first experience of cranberry cookies

Preparing materials
Melting butter to room temperature
Add fine sugar to stir evenly
Add eggs and cranberrie...


Handmade cranberry cookies

Room temperature soft flowers after butter cutting
Dried cranberries don't need to be too big.
After softening t...


Cranberry cookies

Map of the finished product
Waterproofing of butter
Add sugar powder to the mixture
Add the eggs to the mixt...


Cranberry cookies

Seeing pictures of food, I'm thirsty, imagining its deliciousness, collecting it, but I don't practice it, I didn't like cooking before, and now I'm slowly trying to do it, every time I succeed, watching my friends and colleagues share food, there's a sense of accomplishment. ...
