Cinnamon cookies

Eat three dates a day, red dates do not age. ...


Small fireworks

The biscuits are divided into black sugar date biscuits and sweet ginger egg butter biscuits, a warm dessert prepared for the mother to go hiking.The warmest ingredient in winter, made into round biscuits, like small flames, hoping to warm the people around them. ...


Onion oil and dates

It's too direct, it feels like an entrance....


Oatmeal and walnut cookies

Walnuts themselves are nutritious, and the role of brain replenishment is also best suited to over-brained white-collar and student parties, both a healthy and nutritious snack. ...


Red date and oatmeal cookies

Red dates replenish blood and beauty....


High fiber oatmeal cookies

This cookie doesn't need that many complicated steps, it just mixes all the ingredients.
You don't need to add a dro...


Whole wheat flour and dates

Mix your favorite ingredients, whole wheat flour is not sticky, and add a little high starch flour
The dough is bake...


Scented date butter cookies

Boil the dates and cut them into small pieces.
The butter changes color and the eggs are added to the mixture.


Cinnamon cookies

Dried dates crushed for spare use.
The butter is softened and the sugar powder is added.
Put the eggs in and bea...


Soft carrot and oatmeal cookies

My roommate was losing weight and wanted cookies, so I made this for him.When it's cooked, it's delicious, and after the carrot paste, I think it's a little dry, so add water, regardless of the heat, add a little oil. ...


Low-fat dates

Every afternoon at 3 or 4 o'clock, my stomach is always hungry. In order to maintain good energy, attention, etc., afternoon tea is inevitable. That's why I made this low-fat red date cake. Red date is also an energy snack, very high in vitamins, has the reputation of natural vitamin pills....


Four-leaf clover

Mix 200 grams of flour, 40 ml of vegetable oil, 100 ml of water and knead into a smooth dough, knead for 20 minutes.
