A small meal pack of oil curry

The birth of this bread was purely a coincidence, all because of the savage courier who broke my butter curry, couldn't resist throwing it away, directly using the leftover butter curry in the jar to make several dishes, as for the bread, it was a surprise, but it was a surprise.I use a delicious oil curry, the previous curry bread was salty, but this one is spicy with curry flavor, and after eating it, the cheeks are fragrant, it's worth trying.Friends who like curry and those who don't shouldn't miss it, you'll f...


Soup and onion bread

Soup, in baking, refers to the addition of flour to water and then heating it to make the starch paste, or adding hot water of different temperatures to the flour to make the starch paste.This paste is used in soups.The biggest difference between soup bread and other breads is that the starch paste increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which can delay aging and cater to the tastes of modern people. ...


Soft stick

This bread is made from ordinary high-fiber flour (non-special bread flour), low sugar low oil, very good for my stomach, freshly baked crispy soft inside very fragrant, after cooling flexible and chewy, feels like a stick, but inside it is soft and has a certain toughness bread, so I just found a piece of bread that I like, you must come and tangle with me this is not a stick, I also have a way, not to say that the tools are not perfect, the oven temperature is not enough, level to that extent, so I'm just happy t...


Firecrackers and soft sticks

In the last few days, I've been making this kind of bread every day, baking two loaves a day, and I can put it in the freezer and eat it anyway, and that day I suddenly thought, with the red heart fire dragon in my hand, I'm going to try to make a loaf of bread, hey, it's good.Especially the color before baking is really amazing, after baking and before baking there is a little bit of color loss, but if not and before baking compared, the finished product after baking is actually not good in terms of color or taste...


Flower onion bread

All the materials
The yeast is boiled in water below 30 degrees Celsius and then cooked.
Stir into flakes with a...


Bread machine version of raisin bread

All the materials
Milk, corn oil, salt, and white sugar in a bread barrel
Pour in high-strength flour, cover the...


The sunflower bread

I've made many kinds of flower bread, but this is my favorite.Large loaves of bread are soft and sweet.This is a pattern I learned in a baking book, and the bread is a crispy bread.After a few experiments, I still preferred the softer bread, so I adjusted the recipe, and at the same time I used the meatloaf for the filling, the nutrition of course is a step higher, while the sweetness of the meatloaf is combined in the bread, a bite, a long taste...


The common flour caterpillar

Scented bread is made from ordinary flour, without membrane, without secondary fermentation...


Bread maker version of the black gallon sliced bread

The material
Put milk, corn oil, eggs, white sugar on the edges, salt on the edges.
Put the high-strength flour,...


Purple cranberry juice bread

Since the advent of the oven, bread makers have rarely been used to make bread, but if you want to be lazy, it's more economical to make bread with a bread maker.Today I'm going to make a big loaf of bread, and the ingredients are baked bread from the big kitchen, and the baked bread is very addictive to eat!...


Yoghurt bread

The first time I made my own yogurt, I didn't finish it, I was just making bread, I used to buy yogurt, this time I made it myself, it still tastes good. ...


Amish white toast

If love is God's will, in the afternoon I accidentally listened to Li Jian's song again, and I remembered Amish White Bread: Simple, clean, soft, sweet, simple, but with a five-star accent... I hope that everyone in the world will be treated with tenderness, and those who have unforgettable love hidden deep in their hearts will always be like the spring wind....
