Small packages

It's boring to be at home today, or to make bread, it's hard to be idle anyway, make bread in a different way, as long as the children like it. ...


Flowers of roses

Put all the ingredients in the bread machine.
Baking machine for 30 minutes
Grinding to pull out the thick film<...


Cabbage bread

Collection of raw materials
Use half water-soluble dry yeast in the recipe
The remaining ingredients (including ...


Yams and sesame seeds

The bread is made for a long time so that you can master the amount of ingredients needed, using a long fermentation method, the baked bread is very soft, the organization is very delicate, the sense of hierarchy is clear, when breakfast is no better. ...


Peanut butter and bread

Walnuts are a nutritious fruit that protects the heart, has a high nutritional value, is good for the brain, improves memory, slows down aging and moisturizes the skin.Adding walnuts to bread both enriches the taste and adds nutrition, and it's great for breakfast. ...


A small meal bag of purple and blue flowers

Purple cranberry has an important medical health role as a natural anti-cancer drug.Purple blueberries are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, calcium, manganese, and cellulose.Not only can it be cooked and eaten, but it can also be used to make pasta, which is both nourishing and nutritious. ...


Sesame seeds

All the time, we all have a common problem, bread is good to eat, but the wife is too time-consuming, the easiest, also have to wait for several hours, so it's too hard to eat, it's also too tiring, people keep asking if it can be simpler, save some time, everyone has to go to work, come back from work to cook after dinner, and start making bread again, it takes most of the night, it doesn't hurt to do it!So today I'm going to teach you a lazy version of a method that I'm often lazy about, and I feel like I'm doing...


Bread with raisins

I made an appointment last night, and I'm going to have warm, fresh bread this morning.A glass of milk, even if it's a full meal. ...


Rosemary leaf cake

With the spring breeze of rosemary, try different salty breads.And the most gratifying thing is that such bread can be accepted by the parents.Teacher Meng's leaf-shaped bread, replacing the surface spices with rosemary, wood with olive oil, and corn oil.Unfortunately, the grill is too small, the four pieces of dough are too cramped together, and it's impossible to pull the leaf vein out of the larger hole.It is feared that when baking, the gaps that are barely pulled out will be re-glued together due to the expans...


Eggs and milk

If you look at the name of the dish, you know that there must be milk and eggs in this bread, indeed it is made with milk and eggs and flour, without adding a drop of water, before making bread basically with water and flour, only because I don't like to drink milk, although there are many benefits of drinking milk, what strengthens the immune system, calcium, white and so on, but I can't drink it, but as I get older, the body also needs all kinds of nutrients, drink it directly, then come and drink it indirectly, ...


Middle wheat bread

It is well known that bread is made with baking powder or high starch powder, but the former has many additives, it is almost difficult to buy high starch powder without additives (even if the packaging does not indicate additives), we abandon the bakery on the outside, we live half a day at home to eat healthy bread without additives, otherwise we live in vain, right? ...


Small balls of tofu sandwich

Baby likes to eat bean sandwiches, often goes to the supermarket to buy a few, thinking in his heart to make a bean sandwich little bread is definitely better to eat, today I tried it, it's not good oh, filled little bread, eat one bite at a time, super addictedThe baby loves it too. ...
