Dried bread

I made a new date dough filling, and I baked this date dough bread in a bread machine, and I ate it for breakfast, and it tasted sweet and nutritious. ...


Date and clay bags

He likes to make his own bread, not only out of interest, but also for the health of his family, eating with confidence, including making his own bread.Just like this batch of dates, from the baking of the dates to the final bread, the whole process is full of love for the family.20 g of white sugar, 3 g of yeast powder, 3 g of starch, 3 g of black sesame seeds, 2 g of whole egg juice, 3 g of date pulp...


Toasted beans

Toast and toast are the same, it's the same, it's the same, it's the same, it's the same.Without adding, there are all kinds of shapes.The so-called braid toast is a side pack made by baking after fermentation in the shape of a braid during rough shaping. ...


Cocoa bread

The bread is made with cocoa powder and has a special aroma.But the amount of cocoa powder should not be excessive, otherwise the taste will be bitter and you will not be able to eat it. ...


Cabbage wrapped

The water absorption rate of different flours is also different, so the amount of liquid used to make the bread is also constantly adjusted, this adjustment of the recipe is really good, and add a little bit of coconut flour, the baked bread is not only very soft, but also smells very good to eat. ...


Dates and dumplings

The same ingredients are made in different ways, and the bread tastes different.This time, the bread made with dates paste, dark red in color, looks healthier, although there is no added sugar, only the dates paste itself is sweet enough. ...


Jelly bread

In Taobao, a bag of bread flour is exchanged for a bag of bread flour, and the bread is made without adding too much sugar, and the bread is still sweet and fragrant, and the breakfast is light, which shows how popular it is. ...


Yellow-faced bear bread with coconut milk

When I made the snail bread, I made the milkshake, and I haven't had the milkshake in a long time, and the kids love it.So, I used buttermilk to make this bread.But I've reduced the use of cornstarch and replaced it with coconut oil.It's filled with coconut milk.This small gesture was greatly appreciated by the family, who all love to eat coconut, the family loves this filling, the thick milk and butter flavor is added to the coconut flavor, and it is not greasy.Looks like you'll have to do a little more later.The ...


Scented old bread

The family loves to eat old bread, and the smell of fermentation is irresistible. ...


Milk and cranberry meal packages

The cranberry has a sour-sweet taste, and it's especially appetizing.The cranberries are mixed into the bread dough and baked into small packages, especially suitable for breakfast. ...


Roasted salad meatloaf

My family loves to eat Chubby salad dressing, and every time Chubby has a new product, I apply to try it, and luckily, I always get a chance to try the latest Chubby product, and this time I get a burnt taste.If you've ever seen a friend of yours in a love apartment, you'll remember that his favorite thing to do was to burn silver squid.Of course, this burning flavor, originating from Japan, is a well-known Japanese dish and cooking method.Chubby incorporates this famous baking flavor into the salad dressing, and a...


Peanut butter bread

Bread with coconut flour is delicious, especially during baking, the room is filled with the smell of coconut flour.A few days ago, I bought some coconut flour and used it to make bread, this time in the shape of a braid, baked bread shining crystal clear in the light, good looking and good to eat. ...
