The black gallon cake

I couldn't eat food that could catch fire for two days with a cold and a respiratory infection, but after eating cold medicine, my stomach was more hungry, so I cooked some cakes from the black gallons of ice at home to fill my hunger.This steamed cake is not easily ignited and is more suitable for the elderly and babies in the house.Of course, it's more suitable for relatives who don't have an oven but want to eat cake with confidence.It's delicious to add some black garlic to the pastry.Blackcurrant is not only a...


Two-colored wind

Everything is the same, it really feels simple afterwards.It's really crazy to do it after so many times, and now it feels really easy, why couldn't you do it in the first place?1 ingredient of the ingredientWhen you start making it, it's best not to change the ingredients arbitrarily.For example, 100 grams of low-grade flour must be used with low-grade flour, not with ordinary flour.The extent to which the protein is released.It's not the harder the better, it's too hard to mix evenly, and the baked cake doesn't t...


Cake rolls

It has been made many times, and has experienced the joy of going from failure to success, and now it can be said that it is very handmade, so it has to be improved in appearance and shape.We've made round cakes many times, now let's make a different cake roll. ...


The cake.

This year's Girls' Kindergarten was very innovative and brilliant, with the theme of Food Festival parent-child activities, asking each child's parent to make a safe, fresh and hygienic meal on the day, and get the kindergarten to share with other parents and children.Most of the parents brought elaborate dishes, including fruit pizzas, pastries, handmade dishes, etc., which looked delicious and very tempting.The kindergarten also provides many meals for everyone to eat, perhaps this way of eating together is very ...


A small raisin cake

On the sixth day, I made some small cakes for my brother's three-year-old nephew, and I made them for my children to eat more safely, with the milk and orange juice that the children love.This small cake is made in the same way as a muffin cake, without adding eggs and saving a lot of work. ...


Yoghurt and peanut butter cake

The basic ingredients of this cake are only eggs, flour, sugar and oil, which is actually a small sponge cake.To increase its nutritional value, I added a little bit of raw yogurt, mixed with some nuts, sesame seeds, etc.In operation, no additives are required as long as the whole egg is delivered in place and the chopping method is accurate.Since it doesn't have a lot of sugar and oil, it's a very healthy little cake. ...


Cocoa and cheese

A cake made for a wedding anniversary, very simple and delicious, with an Inca recipe, chocolate and cheese are our favorite flavors.It's perfect for this day of love.Because I was going to work, I didn't really want to do anything to celebrate, but when I came home, I saw a big bouquet of roses on the table.At the same time, I want this flower, which symbolizes love, to leave us with more sweet memories.I picked a blooming rose and decorated it with a cake, and the ordinary cake was instantly lit up with love and ...


Rice noodles and noodles

In the past, I often went out to process cakes, all in large rectangular baking trays, the baked cakes were cut from one side to the other, it felt like eating too much, because without buying a square mold, there was no baking, the baking tray could only bake cake rolls, but in the end I thought of a clumsy way, put oil paper in the baking tray, the oil paper edge out of the baking tray, this can also support the cake, anyway the cake does not spill out, although I tried it for a while, it was really baked.This ti...


Old-fashioned cake

Memories of childhood, the taste of childhood, a little cake to remember. ...


Cherry cocoa cream cake

Prepare the necessary materials.
(Put 20 grams of refined sugar, milk and corn oil in a deep bowl)
Separate the ...


Red sugar

I was touched to see this cake from Teacher Meng.What does it feel like to eat red sugar muffins with rice? It's just that I've been eating rice at home all the time, and I haven't had a chance to try it.It's surprising, the white rice cooked today? How did you think of cooking white rice today? I don't know the thought behind this strange question....Fortunately, there was still some white rice left, so those who had never had a cold from white rice secretly saved some.... ...


Fruit and milk cake

Separate the protein from the egg yolk, taking care that the bowl containing the protein is free of water and oil.
