Japanese cotton cake

The first time I made a cotton cake, I didn't expect it to taste so soft, so I cut it in half and gave it to my mom for breakfast, saying it was super soft, and the jelly was better!...


Meat and shellfish cake

All materials are ready.
Protein and egg yolk separation
Mix 10 g of sugar, milk, corn oil and stir evenly


Cartoon tree house cake

After mixing the egg yolk with fine sugar and water, add corn oil, stir until the color turns white, sieve into low-stre...


Milk and honey cake

Prepare all ingredients and weigh them.
Put the eggs in a stainless steel bowl with no oil and no water.
Remove ...


Lemmington cake from Australia

First, mix the milk with the corn oil evenly.
Low-dust screening backup
Pour the eggs into a clean bowl without ...


Tea and cake

Here's where you can explore and share the joy of food, and congratulations on your 5th birthday....


Flower steamed cake

Preparation of materials
Two eggs are cooked whole, cooked until the color fades, not necessarily until the pattern ...


Thousand leaf cake

I don't think I'm at that level, I don't think I'm at that level, I don't think I'm at that level, I don't think I'm at that level, I don't think I'm at that level....


Chocolate cake with cranberry paste

The square refers to the cranberry chocolate cake of the teacher of the round pig pig, with the proportions adjusted.There are some green tea chocolates in the house that use chocolate, a little more flour, more like a sponge, and the finished product is very tasty. ...


Whole wheat cakes

In parentheses is the original amount, please feel free....


Super soft yogurt cupcakes

After eating the traditional taste of milkshake cake, try the thickness of muffin cake, you must try this yogurt cup cake, the texture is super soft, organized very finely, no burden of taste, you can eat a lot at once oh!...


The whirlwind cake

I saw a whirlwind cake on the internet last year, and to be honest, I was amazed at how it was cut inside, but I didn't try it because I didn't have an electric egg breaker, and this time I'm making a small cake like this for Mother's Day for my mom....
