The monkey muffin

In recent years, there has been a flood of monkeys.From the red heart to the yellow heart, from the eyes to the eyes, from the food to the weariness, there are still mountains that do not fade.I've been trying to figure out a way to get rid of that mountain quickly.Making wine? Making jam? There's already a lot of wine, and jam is also a problem that needs to be solved....In fact, it doesn't really solve any problems to put a bunch of monkeys in a muffin.It's just a different way of eating chickpeas, a little more ...


Cake with black tea

One bag of black tea is boiled with 50 grams of water for about 10 minutes, 30 grams of black tea water is taken out as ...


Cream and butter cake rolls

The cake is soft and delicate, and it's really sweet, and it's really sweet to the heart. ...


Purple potato cake rolls

Many of the students were tormented by the cake when they first started baking it, mainly because it required a lot of detail in the process of making it, and the slightest step out of place would lead to the final failure, so the cake is also known as the seven crazy cake or the crazy cake.So, when you're tormented by a cookie, you might want to try a cookie roll, although it's also a cookie operation, but it's not as high on the specific requirements, and even if there's a step that's not in place, it's not so ea...


Orange and cream cake rolls

The skin is thin, the meat is juicy and sweet, but it's not addictive to eat raw.So I wanted to combine it with cake.It turned out to be great!...


Tomato cake rolls

With pure natural curry powder and matcha powder dyes, nutritional health without additives, a beautiful red tomato pattern, jump on the cake roll, do you have the idea to eat one right away!...


Honey bean cake

Preparation of raw materials
Protein egg yolks are placed separately in a clean large bowl.
Egg yolk and corn oi...


Zebra-shaped cakes

The cocoa powder can not only give the cake a little color, but also give the cake a little spirit, giving the cake a special aroma, very delicious. ...


Lovely orange cake

Soft, delicate, fragrant, lovely orange-flavored cakes, tasting them fresh from the oven on this cold winter afternoon, a warm, happy taste floods the heart... ...


Taste and taste

I haven't dared to challenge my brother-in-law because I heard it's very difficult.This time for my birthday, I wanted to make a cake for my mother, to thank her for giving birth.After consulting many sources and asking for advice from friends, I decided to challenge the difficulty.Who knows, it'll work out.It seems that in the world, you can't believe the rumors, or you have to work hard to challenge them, and then you have the joy of success."Try your best and don't regret it." ...


Sesame red sugar wine stew

It's a bunch of wine grains, I don't know how good they are.After sighing, I suddenly thought of making a stew, putting the last white sesame, and solving it together.In fact, it's just a matter of turning the muffins into steam.It is said that wine can make blood, and red sugar has the power to replenish blood.The combination of the two is probably good for replenishing blood.The color of the red sugar is not particularly dark, and the color after steaming is much lighter than expected.It looks like a sticky rice ...


Muffins made from red grape juice

Another adaptation of Teacher Meng's red sugar rice cake.Similarly, replace the rice with wine grains and add the raisins.Grapefruit is said to be rich in iron and beneficial for iron-deficient anemia.If you add red sugar to the wine, these two traditional Chinese blood supplements, it's not a blood supplements cake, it looks good, it's colorful, it smells good, hurry up and eat it....
