Six inches of vegetables

Spring is a short and beautiful season.Everything grows, thousands of gestures, and berries are sold.My mother said, "The best vegetable for the human body in the spring should be spinach, it can thrive without pesticides, it's simple, but it provides a lot of vitamins to the human body".So, despite the fact that our refrigerator is full of vegetables, my mother has always had a passion for spinach.There are babies at home who don't like to eat vegetables, but they love to eat dessert.So I washed the fresh spinach,...


Tea and cakes

This matcha cake is made with matcha powder on the basis of matcha cake, with a fresh matcha aroma, an attractive color, a different mood and a different taste!...


Five times the thickness of dark chocolate cake

The digestible cake layer can also be converted into a chocolate crispy base: 100 g chocolate, 100 g crispy. ...


6 inches of red velvet cake

Making full use of the baking ingredients that are always available at home, and combining them in a reasonable way, can create different works.This red velvet is based on the square of the cake I used to make.The method of making it is exactly the same as the wind.Thank you for your support....


Strawberry sandwich cream and naked cake

I don't know if it's spring, but there's a little elliptical strawberry on the market, and there's a big head of sandalwood, and I can't help but buy it back to decorate the cream cake, and if you think it's a little difficult, try the naked cake, just like the colorful exploded table, come and have a naked cream cake, a cup of black tea, in the spring breeze, enjoy your spring....


The Magic Muffin

This is a magical change from a baking attempt, purple potatoes are grown at home, I always want to do something special with it, I've made cream red date purple potato paste, I've made tai chi purple potato paste, they all taste pretty good.So I tried to add purple potatoes to the baking, and I got this magical muffin that I couldn't have imagined. ...


Milked cherry flower cake

The cherry blossoms, when they bloom, are so enthusiastic, elegant and pure, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle.Salted cherry blossoms are cherry blossoms that have to be changed repeatedly in the middle of boiling, boiling too little time will have a faint salty taste, and you can't use hot water bubbles, hot water bubbles will fade the color of the cherry blossoms, so be sure to remember to boil in...


Simple and delicious walnut butter

My favorite bread is called coconut, my favorite biscuit is called nutmeg, my favorite toast is called Hokkaido toast, I bought an oven and never bought bread biscuits or anything like that outside, because there's really no smell of my own, and today this nutmeg is very popular with my family.Speaking of walnut butter on the outside, is there really walnuts on the inside? The walnuts on the inside can also be replaced with peanuts, peanut butter or various dried fruits. ...


The recipe for the Cocoa Butter - Teacher Qingyi

This is Teacher Qin Yi's square, and it's very successful.It can climb very high, and its mouth is very soft and fluffy. ...


Yoghurt cakes are more delicate than rice cakes.

It's not my favorite dish anymore, it's not my favorite dish, it's not my favorite dish....


Strawberry shortcake

My strawberry season came a little late this year, because this year's weather was suddenly hot, and I always felt that it was not the season for strawberries to ripen, but after turning around the market, I found that every house had a lot of strawberries.Light cream and strawberries are the amount of a cake. ...


A compulsory lesson for beginners in baking - milk cakes

It's the foundation of baking and it's a compulsory lesson, but it's also a headache for beginners.In fact, it's very simple to make a good chicken cake, and according to his own practice, he summarized several points: 1. the time of serving the egg yolk 2. the ingredients for making the egg yolk paste should be clear 3. the protein should be refrigerated immediately 4. the mixing method should be correct 5. the control temperature should be just right.The height of the finished product is only 3 or 4 centimeters, ...
