Butter and garlic bread

I have a lot of friends who like to eat Ali and Ed's garlic bread, it's really good, the outside is soft and the inside is full of garlic, I like this one, I also like to buy one or two from time to time.But most of the people who live at home like me have one problem, they like their bread, no matter how easy it is to buy it outside and how cheap it is to sell it, they always want to make it at home.It's not today, it's out of the oven, it's not out of the oven, it's out of the oven, it's out of the oven, it's out...


A perfect combination of soybeans and chocolate beans

Every day for breakfast, the couple would have some leftover ingredients, throw away the strange waste, and think of all the ways to make the most of it, one day after breakfast, the soybean paste was left over, and in the evening when they came home to bake the cake, they tried to add some, and found it quite tasty....


Milk and honey.

Low flour 120 grams, corn oil 35 grams, white sugar 8 grams, boiled water 50 grams, and water oil dough.
Use 70 gram...


Star Wars birthday cake

This cake was given to a Star Wars fan boy to celebrate his 11th birthday.As a pseudo-Star Wars fan, I had to go through a lot of Star Wars stories to understand the characters and shapes, and finally I chose this model of R2-D2's head to make.Sushi was very happy to get the cake, the embryo was also his favorite flavor of matcha, in the evening his parents sent pictures, the cake had been swept away, very popular, I, a fake star fighter, was also happy. ...


Cream of butter

Bubble, wrapped in a crispy crust of soft cream, a gentle bite, full of happiness.I used to buy a bouquet for my daughter to eat, and then I remembered, I made it once, and then I made it a second time, and this is the first time I've done it, not with a round flower mouth, but with an eight-year-old flower mouth, pressing the same way as making cookies, I love this shape.Ingredients: low flour 100 grams of pure water 160 grams of corn oil 70 grams of white sugar 1 teaspoon of white salt 1/2 teaspoon of white eggs ...


Marble and cotton cake

The name makes you want to bite a piece of cake, the delicate soft texture, the entrance is the mouthfeel, it's softer than the traditional cake, it's fresher than the cheese cake, you have to love it, love it, love it, it's not enough! ...


Yoghurt and yogurt

I've loved cake since I was a kid, especially birthday cake embryos, but I don't know why there are so few cake embryos out there, either with cream or made into mousse... and the price is too high! Is it so hard to want to eat pure cake? I don't believe it, I don't sell it myself! Honestly, it's not difficult, as long as you master a few key things, don't be lazy and skip the steps, I believe you will succeed!...


Cream cake rolls

The cream in the house was opened for a while, and there was still a little bit of cream left, so it was used to make cake rolls, and it was very sweet and delicate; this time the temperature of the cake rolls I baked at 170 degrees was a little bit open or at 150 degrees it was more suitable, but the organization of the baking was very soft, and the cream was eaten without sweetness, my baking tray was a little bigger, the number of layers was more, you could change the small baking tray rolls to look better!...


Onion cakes

Cut the onions, and the other materials are weighed on an electronic scale, as a backup.
After softening the butter ...


The basic muffin cake - the vanilla milk muffin

This is a basic muffin that can be derived from a variety of flavors of muffin cake, which can be made with flour dough, dried fruit, raisins, spinach, lemon juice, etc....


Cake of the wind

Separate the egg yolk from the protein container without water or oil
Pour white sugar into the egg yolk and stir ev...


Tiger leather cake rolls

This square is the size of a 38 x 28.5 cm rectangular grill, and you can adjust the recipe according to the size of your own grill.There are eight eggs in total, the egg whites are separated, I collect all the eggs in a sealed box and keep them in the refrigerator, there is a special recipe for egg whites that can be used. ...
