Eight inches of wind

I used to use six-inch molds, but I just bought an eight-inch one for the first time. ...


Chocolate paper cup cake

I've always loved the taste of cocoa, but I'm afraid of getting fat with butter, so today I'm going to try corn oil instead of butter....


Pseudo-vacuum winds

Since there was no hollow mold, I made one myself, with a jar of finished coconut juice, wrapped in tin paper on the out...


Tea and honey

This dessert is a meat pie made after an emotional collapse, the sweetness of the tea and the sweetness of the beans, always perfectly combined, like tears, like comfort.Or maybe you're not used to doing it, maybe you're too focused, maybe you're just too lazy.The recipe comes from your mother. ...


Cake with lemon

I made a chocolate cake two days ago, and my dad said it was a little sweet, so I made this cake, and it turned out very well....


Red velvet milk cake

Next month's elementary school wedding, and the afternoon tea before the ceremony, I'm going to make my own red velvet cake, and I'm going to be the groom, so I'm going to help them learn it....


Cake of the wind

Fix the wind squares, practice the basic lessons...


Hive cake

The oven is preheated at 190 degrees, the fine sugar and water are heated until the sugar is completely melted into suga...


Vegetarian cakes

My darling says it's general, he doesn't love it, he likes it heavy, he feels super good, he likes it. ...


Chocolate cake

I love cocoa....


9L small oven version of the Chihuahua cake

It's my sweetheart's birthday, so I've been crazy about making cakes lately, and given that there's no big oven, the baker's version and the small oven version have tried a lot, and the baker's version tastes good too....


The six-inch cake

In the egg pan, put milk and corn oil, the pan is as high as it is wide.
It is mixed in a clockwise manner with a ma...
