Combing the cookies

This is a simple, low-fat, healthy, sugar-free, delicious cookie.... ...


A one-year-old's little head

Eggs, sugar, corn oil in a bowl, stir evenly
Low-fiber flour, milk powder, cornstarch, and baking powder are mixed t...


Chocolate cookies

Pour corn oil, honey, eggs, and chocolate (waterproof melt) into a large bowl and stir evenly.
Low-fat flour is grou...


Coconut cheese and tea

The recipe allows you to make eight teaspoons, each weighing 50 grams.It is more convenient to make it than dark ghee, and it is more colorful than a layer of ghee, inside which there is a thin layer of coconut powder, followed by a full cranberry cheese pie, which is rich in taste and flavor. ...


Oatmeal and peaches

Baby biscuits, so the corn oil can be replaced with butter...


Cute egg whites

You can make small biscuits with ordinary flour at home, which are much better than the ones in the store, and they are very suitable for children, so come and try them!...


Red sugar nut cookies

There's a lot of nuts left over from the end of the year, and you can add whatever you want to add to it....


Black sesame seeds

Good for all food supplies
The flour and baking soda were sifted through for backup.
At room temperature, soften...


Heart-shaped watermelon cake

Low flour and baking soda sifted into clean bowls
Add salt and yeast to the mixture.
Pour into the egg juice and...


Dates and cookies, baby cookies

I don't use a lot of butter, mainly for flavoring, I don't use an electronic scale, it's all estimated (it's really scary to bring a baby alone), babies under one year old eat it best to peel red dates (it's good to peel after steaming for about ten minutes), eggs use two egg yolks, it doesn't matter if you're over one year old.It's better for babies to eat less butter, if they don't like it, they can also remove the butter and add 5 g of vegetable oil, I personally don't like cookies that are too sweet or too oily...


Improved cashew nuts

The walnuts are crushed in a stone mill.
After softening the eggs (one) with white sugar, corn oil, and butter, plac...


Protein cookies

Have all the materials ready.
Pour the oil into the bowl and mix with the sugar powder.
Add protein, (add three ...
