Chocolate chip cookies with mushrooms

The butter is softened into small pieces, mixed with flour, sugar, salt, and baking soda, and rubbed by hand until it is...


Chocolate cookies

Weigh 150 grams of low powder, 15 grams of cocoa powder, 1/2 T of baking soda powder
80 grams of butter softened at ...


Vienna cocoa biscuits

This is delicious.Why? It tastes good, and it's good to eat with it, so I'm just going to hold this can of cocoa beans and wait for you to give me a bottle of it. ...


American oatmeal cookies

Stir the butter until it is soft, and then add the sponge sugar.
Add the eggs in steps 1 and 2 and stir evenly.


Chocolate Madeleine soft biscuits

The eggs are first crushed and mixed with honey and sponge sugar until milky white.
Add fresh cream after heating in...


Chocolate cartoon cookies

Put the milk and yeast into the container and stir evenly.
Add sifted wheat flour and salted sponge sugar mixed into...


Oreos and cookies

First, cut the Oreo biscuits into small pieces and prepare them; mix the butter and the sugar powder until they are thin...


Tasty biscuits made from the leaves of the yew tree

First, put the recipe A in the container and start stirring.
In step 1, add formula B and mix evenly.
Re-add for...


Chocolate eggshell cookies

First, mix the unsalted cream and sugar powder.
Gradually add B to the mixture.
C is then separately sifted and ...


Puppy bear cookies

The butter is mixed with the sponge sugar and salt and stirred evenly.
Add the eggs to stir evenly.
The sieved l...


Chocolate milk cake

First, mix A and beat it to the microwave.
Add B to the mixture again.
C is then added to the mixture after sepa...


Cartoon cookies

The butter is softened, added to the sugar powder, and served until the color fades.
Add the egg juice gradually and...
