Chocolate nut finger biscuits

Babies love to eat finger biscuits, today we have an upgraded version!...


Health is more fun.

I've found other recipes, some with red sugar, some with powdered foam, it doesn't feel too sweet or unhealthy, so I've improved it myself... I don't have chocolate beans at home, so I've used chocolate sauce... it's very difficult to erase!!! I strongly recommend you buy chocolate beans and do it again!...


A small biscuit.

One day she had the privilege of tasting a small biscuit made by her Italian classmates, an unexpected surprise! She said it was their Italian specialty.It's so delicious, everyone loves it! So I took her recipe home and tried it myself, it's super simple, I did it the first time and it worked! ...


Fresh in the summer - purple potato biscuits

Use an egg yolk separator to separate the egg yolk, but be careful, if you add the egg yolk, it won't turn purple.


Honey chocolate almonds are crispy

Brush a layer of vegetable oil on the grill, then spread a sheet of oil paper on the grill.
In this way, due to the ...


Chocolate chip cookies

Compared to ordinary crispy biscuits, the production of crispy biscuits may be a bit complicated, but their rich and multi-layered flavor is completely worth the effort we put in.In fact, this sentence is a bit redundant.For baking enthusiasts, who can work for four or five hours just to make a few loaves of bread, let alone this little cookie?The input is energy, the output is irreplaceable satisfaction and happiness.Just like this cookie, it's not just the crumbs that are delicious, it's the attention and care th...


Cute doll cookies

Today's cookie is super simple and super cute, and you can make it with your kids, or you can make it with them, and we'll do it.Especially when it comes to painting smiles on cookies with chocolate, be sure to hand it over to the children, who are not only competent, but definitely have more creativity to play with.Cute doll biscuits, given to all children, as well as adults who still maintain their childishness. ...


Chocolate chip cookies

Most of the cookies are delicious, quick and easy to make.They also have a bigger advantage, which is that they are resistant to storage.Freshly baked biscuits, cooled and placed in a freezer, they will stubbornly retain their flavor for a long time, without changing in the slightest.Especially butter cookies, the smell of butter that comes out every time you open the box is always delicious.So, when inviting guests to swimming parties and other occasions, handmade cookies are just as stubbornly part of my recipe a...


Cute little raccoon cookies

The first time I saw this cookie model, I was attracted by the cute look of the little raccoon.So I wanted to do it myself.The first attempt was to use a red bull's jar, because the method was not skilled enough, plus the jar was soft, and three times it ended in failure, because it was always broken at the breakpoint, and a few days later, I tried a second attempt, replacing the red bull's jar, because this time the process was skilled, plus the jar was hard, so a molding.On the weekends, the handmade biscuits wil...


Dark chocolate and almond cookies

Preparing food
Butter softening with sugar powder
Send it to a larger size and a lighter color.
I'm going to...


The oil-free recipe is a nut-shaped chocolate chip cookie.

Whole eggs, red sugar, white sugar and salt, put together in a bowl.
2 Use the egg beater slightly to turn it ...


The little raccoon cookie.

Cut the straw into long strips 2 centimeters wide.
I drew a sketch of it myself, and I used a sharp knife to draw it...
