Homemade chocolate cookies

In fact, it's very good, don't hesitate, as long as you have an oven at home and buy all the materials!...


Dress biscuits

The square used by Olivia the Green Wonder...


Chocolate cake with flowers

I've been a big chocolate lover lately, and the other day I was looking through PH's book, and I found out that this cookie was made with favna, and it just so happened that there was a lot of it in the house, so I decided to try it.When it's baked, it's full of chocolate, and it's so happy, it's so happy, it's so happy, it's so happy, it's so happy, it's so happy. ...


Triple chocolate chip cookies

Chocolate flour and chocolate biscuits and chocolate sauce...


Chocolate cartoon cookies

The flour is good.
The chocolate was melted by the waterproofing (because the waterproofing was too slow in the wint...


Grapefruit and chocolate cookies

Recently, my daughter's homework is tense, and I often work overtime, lazy to do something without applying butter or pressing the root without butter, this recipe is very simple, it also relieves my daughter's thirst, it's very convenient....


Chocolate egg butter cookies

I just bought the baking utensils, and my daughter was fighting about what to do, and there were only three eggs left in the fridge, and I could only make some cookies.She likes big butter and chocolate, so let's mix it up and see how it works!...


Chocolate cookies

The chocolate my friend brought from Russia last time tasted a little thick, or was it used to make biscuits?...


Mocha fruit cakes

Preparation of materials
Butter softening reserve, chocolate and walnut kernel chopping reserve.
Put the softene...


Chocolate cake with oatmeal

In the past, we used to make a cake out of crushed oats, but in the new year, we wanted to make a cake that tasted the best, so we started working....


Make cookies with your kids - chocolate love cookies

The new year has just begun, of course the new year can't sleep, otherwise this year will be lazy.Today, the children of the relatives came home to play, gave them a New Year's task, and made a New Year's tea for everyone: chocolate love heart cookie cookies.Ha, it's for adults, and most of it ends up in their stomachs.Tomorrow is the weekend, so make cookies with the kids....


French crispy protein cream with dark chocolate

This recommended dessert, really tastes amazing, crispy taste, combined with bitter and sweet taste, is a simple and suitable deliciousness for the whole family to taste during the holidays.French protein is slowly baked at low heat until it is crispy, the cocoa content is mixed with the protein cream after melting more than 75% of the dark chocolate, after cooling, a bite, double taste, combined with black tea, coffee is a very good choice.It's not as easy to fail as making macaroni, as long as you have a few poin...
