Chocolate almond cakes

For those of us who go to work, the two holidays are a good opportunity to adjust our minds and hearts. After a busy week, we can finally wake up without waking up early, sleep comfortably and naturally, until the bright sunlight shines through the curtains, the work is scattered on the bed, then slowly open our sleeping eyes, slowly get up, brush our teeth, do not rush as usual, have a wonderful life....


Italian biscuits without oil

When I first started to learn how to bake, I started with muffins and biscuits. These are easier to make and give me confidence. But as I made them, I started to worry a little bit....


The cake.

Take 33 grams of refined sugar and add it to the egg yolk in stages;
Egg whites are hardened and frozen with an elec...


Selling cookies

Butter insulation water softening;
Put 40 grams of white sugar in the blender and grind it into sugar powder; put th...


Chocolate and almond cookies

The dark chocolate is chopped;
Cut the almonds in half;
After softening at room temperature, the butter is dispe...


Chocolate chip cookies

The butter is softened at room temperature, the sugar powder is mixed, and then the protein is poured into it, so that i...


The doll biscuit

The ingredients are prepared by softening the butter, smoothing the sugar powder, adding three parts of egg juice, and m...


It's delicious and hearty.

If you want to eat crispy, you can cook it at a lower temperature and for longer.Butter must be softened in advance.You can also add some walnuts and raisins.The light color is for diabetic moms..No sugar, coffee, or chocolate sauce. ...


Smiling face cookies

It's my son's birthday, and he asked me if I could give him a unique gift for the whole class.So I made this smiley face cookie.My son's classmates all love to eat it, they say it's so cute they can't wait to eat it. ...


Chocolate crackers with flavor

My parents went on a long vacation for the National Day, and I made them chocolate crackers as dry food, which tasted very good, cooled down and was delicious....


Oatmeal cookies

Butter softened at room temperature
Butter is poured with an egg beater, then sugar, milk powder, milk and eggs are ...


Low sugar is more fun.

Let the butter and cream cheese crush the bones, softening and accelerating.
Add sugar, butter, and cream cheese to ...
