Colorful doughnuts

At Christmas, in order to make the Christmas socks a little louder, I hurriedly made a few doughnuts and hid them before my daughter came home, put them in the evening, and gave the rest to other children, and the next day we all received the doughnuts from Santa Claus, and almost all the children ate them for breakfast, and agreed that the doughnuts from Santa Claus were very delicious!In fact, I was in a hurry that day, the doughnuts weren't very round, and then the chocolate on top didn't dry completely, the fin...


Chocolate with cranberries

Scone, also known as Scone, is a simple, quick and pleasant traditional English tea.Even at a very busy time, even in the kitchen, it can be done easily.This cranberry chocolate shake is definitely one that has stood the test of time, and can be eaten by all sizes.Home DIY, the ingredients are very good.During the baking process, the smell of the mixture of butter and flour makes the people thirsty for water.The sweetness of dried cranberries and the sweetness of dark chocolate greatly enhance the flavor.Due to the...


Easy bear bread

It's easy to eat, it's cute, and it's the one that kids love the most.It's hard to say, but I can't do anything about it.It's obviously cute, but it's not good....


Chocolate pineapple bread

All the materials
A mixture of materials
Mix into a dough, add water slowly, each flour has a different water ab...


The Temptation of Bread

The bread temptation is an ice-cream ball on top of a baked toast.The middle bread is baked and tastes sweet, fragrant and not greasy, dipped in ice cream and eaten, the outside is baked in a circle of baked bread, the unique aroma of baked bread and the aroma of ice cream blend with each other, making the diners feel sweet and satisfied...


Chocolate bread

Weigh the material well.
Eggs and water are mixed and dispersed.
The mixing knife is pre-prepared, and the egg j...


Turkey and toast

There's no story behind this dish, it's just that I like to eat simple, good food in the morning....


Flower bread

When I first started writing recipes, I thought I should write about bread, and I made a toast almost every week, and the bread was good, and I taught a lot of people.I've been writing squares for a long time, I've been lazy, I haven't taken pictures, I've put the square of the bread down.I've eaten all my bags today, so I can write about it....


A nutritious breakfast

Nutritious breakfast on the fifth day...


Chocolate banana bread

The master said that bananas and chocolate don't go together to make whole wheat bread, so he started thinking about it, thinking that bananas and yogurt are good friends, whole wheat and sesame are also good friends, what kind of sparks would there be if these good friends got together?...


Chocolate bread

I bought a baking machine, and I like chocolate....


Santa's bread

Every year until Christmas, it feels like another year, this year has gone by so fast, I always want to leave something for myself.It's not easy to be a mother, to want to receive Christmas gifts, to think of the kind Santa Claus, or to give them to yourself.Although there is no filling in this bread, the recipe is very soft, and it also has the scent of matcha, which is the most common recipe in our house, and if you like the filling, you can add red beans. ...
