Lava chocolate cake

The first time I heard about lava chocolate cake was when I saw it at the top chef's house, and then I realized that I was too lonely to smell it.I don't know why I wanted to try this cake today, so... I tried it. ...


Cherry white and mango mousse

It's a delicious mango dessert, even if you're fat, you can eat it....


Chocolate banana paper cup cake

Dark chocolate sliced and melted in 50°C warm water
Bananas crushed with a doughnut stick
Butter softening sweet...


Chocolate cake

I didn't finish the chocolate that my friends had given me, and I thought I hadn't made a cake in a long time, and I found out that there was no butter in the house, only milk, and I changed the recipe a little bit, and the cake was delicious. ...


Chocolate cheese cake

Put the cream cheese in a large bowl, put it in a large pot with water, heat it until the cream cheese is completely sof...


Chocolate lava cake

Today is the first day of the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the most romantic of our traditional holidays, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day.On this special day, what's on the program? Would you like to make a hearty meal for your loved one with your own hands?Chocolate lava cake, also known as lava chocolate cake, or soft-hearted chocolate cake.I like to call it a chocolate lava cake, isn't it picturesque? Use a spoon to poke a hole, the thick chocolate paste inside the cake flows out like v...


Chocolate brownie

The butter and chocolate are melted and stirred evenly;
Add white sugar to stir evenly;
Add the egg juice to sti...


Mango cream cake

This cake was made the other day for my daughter's birthday, and I baked it with whipped cream, and my daughter made the decorations herself.Because of the heat, it is not suitable for flowers, so fresh mangoes are sprinkled on the surface, and the edges are chocolate chips.So it's not pretty, but in my mother's heart, no matter how ugly, it's the most perfect, the sweetest cake. ...


Shuffle cheese cake

There's something important missing from the previous article, so I decided to write another one..A cheesecake made from only three ingredients is worth collecting...


The lava cake

Eight inch birthday cake...


Chocolate bread

I can't wait to see the finished product.I didn't wait for it to cool.The chocolate hasn't cooled yet.Maybe it's more appropriate to call it lava bread!...


Chocolate spread bread

I bought a bread maker and went home, and I couldn't wait to make one, and it ended in failure.It's not bad, it's mainly the smell of baking that makes you feel good, you can also try it!...
