The blueberry caterpillar

The caterpillar was my favorite bread when I was a kid, and today's bread is made with my favorite blueberries and cream. ...


Blueberry bread rolls with milk

When blueberry dried meets fresh blueberry fruit, combined with the scent of refined milk, it creates this very rich flavored bread roll, which I'm sure will satisfy you with blueberry control. ...


The two-berry milkman tore the bag.

It is eaten by hand, layer by layer, layer by layer, and has a strong fragrance. ...


Super soft cream bread

The direct fermentation bread made by this square is really super soft, easy to operate, and can be eaten directly from the bread machine.The key is to make it yourself, it's the safest, there are no additives, it's all natural ingredients, the family eats and feels safe. ...


Blueberry packaged meals

A bite of blueberry snack pack, very soft, with blueberry sauce, sour, sweet, and very rich in flavor. ...


Blueberry bread

Changing Teacher Meng's red bean bread to blueberries, because there is no red bean soup, but blueberry sauce is enough.Homemade blueberry sauce, because of the fear of spoiling, the water is harvested especially dry, dug out one by one, used instead of red bean sand is probably not good.It's supposed to be the most basic to sweet bread, with different flavors depending on the filling.Jelly-filled bread, cut into a circle, a little afraid that the jelly will run out of juice from the cut, did not dare to cut deep.I...


Five-colored balloon bread

No matter how the years go by, the depths of our hearts will never forget the scenes of our childhood, let the balloon bread fly with our childlike hearts....


Blueberry and walnut toast

As winter approaches, the lazy person can also make hot bread in the nest, without having to rub the dough himself, without worrying about whether or not the dough is baked, hiding in the nest, surrounded by the warmth of the heat.(Recipes are regularly updated weekly)...


Rural bread in a pocket

Since I became a special correspondent for Blueberry Food in Pyongyang, I have always loved the blueberries of the Lijiang Plateau, the blueberry fruits with the taste of the sun of the plateau, how to eat them is delicious; fresh fruit, frozen fruit, dried fruit is my favorite.Continuing my journey of blueberry dried eggs, homemade recipes, homemade blueberry dried eggs, homemade sugared orange peels, homemade farmers making whole wheat flour, healthy staples....


Little yellow bread

In addition to butter, put eggs, yeast, sugar, water, flour together!
Mix it with your hands!
Put it in the bag!...


Blueberry and cranberry flaxseed bread

For health reasons, recently online popular to make a variety of soft European bread, in fact I prefer the real European bread, simple and simple four ingredients wheat flour, water, salt and yeast, but occasionally add a little dried berries, nuts or seeds is also a good choice, in short, a healthy staple bread is almost oil-free, sugar-free, rough bread;;;;;;; this one adds blueberries, cranberries, and cassava seeds to the bread, looks rough, but it smells delicious. ...


Bread in the Gulhof

The shape of this small bread is unique and beautiful, it is a crown shape made of a hollow spiral-shaped mold, making it look like you have to love it, and it tastes soft and rich in layers.Its name, I've looked at a lot of sources, it's called Fadodo! The Chinese pronunciation is also varied, Goo Goo Hoof Goo Goo Hoof ... I still like to call it Goo Hoof .Kouglof, which originated in Austria but is also native to Alsace, France, is written on the blue ribbon.The name is derived from German, meaning to make bread ...
