Mini bowl of bread

The weather forecast says it's going to snow today, and if it's true, it's going to be the first snow of the winter, and the cold weather in the morning makes you want to eat something with calories and energy, even if it's just one person who made this mini sandwich last night....


Bacon and cheese packages

The old-fashioned bread of Love and Liberty, which I'm sure all the baking sisters have made, had to be accompanied by the man who created this magical recipe in the first place.Taking a deep breath into the bread, the typical sour taste of the old-fashioned bread immediately filled the entire nasal cavity, and was transmitted to the brain cells at the fastest speed, so that the mouthful brain cells of the uncles shouted in unison: "Thank you, this is the taste of the bread I loved to eat when I was a child!"When I...


Italian bread forkacha

Super healthy, super simple, and super delicious salted bread...


Cheese and bacon

Add high flour, salt, sugar, eggs, yeast, milk, add together and make a dough.
At first, it was a bit clingy.


Red date toast

The bread maker in the house has been sleeping on the shelf for a long time, lately everyone has been using it to make all kinds of delicious bread, it's also itchy, hurry up and pick it up, let it also do sports, today's toast made with dates, sweet dates soaked in rum, became more fragrant, also with a hint of sweet wine flavor, especially good to eat, accompanied by a cup of hot tea or coffee, this morning is very comfortable. ...


The pineapple bag

The square is a reference to you, you adjusted it yourself, you doubled the amount, eight....


Hot dog bread

The recipe for the soup is 65 degrees soup and coconut bread....


Pumpkin cheese bread

Prepare all the materials.
The pumpkin is cooked, pressed into a fine clay, cooled and mixed with the raw materials ...


Salad and ham bread

I've learned how to make bread out of a pressure cooker, and it's not a problem to convince the kids, of course if you also like the heavy flavor, replace the spicy sauce with mustard ha~ for the kids, just put the tomato sauce and the salad sauce, the kids don't eat too stimulating flavor~ use the CM-1500 cook machine to knead the dough, the effect is very satisfying~ by @ flute...


Easy-to-make coconut bread

This is almost the most common kind of bread that my family makes, and it's a medium-sized bread, and it's easy to say it's easy, and it's hard to say it's hard, because making bread is a time-consuming process, and if anything goes wrong, in the end it's not what you want.This square and the process of making it are more suitable for beginners, including the shape of the bread, and I'm still doing the usual dough and flower rolls.It's very simple. ...


Bread and butter

I was born in the 1980s, and I've had long hair since I was a kid, and it hasn't changed in all these years.I remember when I was a kid, I used to sit on a stone bench at the front door and my mom would make me braids, and she liked to put red hair on my braids.When I grow up, I'll comb my hair, or I'll like to tie my hair, even if it's high and low on one side, it won't change.And then, when you get to middle school, you can tie your braids neatly and perfectly, but you don't tie them all the time, you get used to...


Honeyberry thick toast

When the ice cream meets the baked toast, the honey is applied to the crisp, soft, and hot bread, the ice cream is put on a ball, and soon the melted cold ice cream flows down the bread, wrapped in small pieces of cut sweet bread, placed in the mouth, the ice cream is hot, crisp, soft, and completely contradictory feelings are concentrated together! ...
