Frozen lemon and cheese birthday cake

This cake was given to her by her brother-in-law on her birthday, the sweet crispy cake base with the sweet and sour delicate middle layer of cheese, the decorated orange-flavored mirror, very pleasant, and this very fresh fruit strawberry, even after half an hour of eating the cake does not get tired.Especially worth mentioning is the mirror decoration made with QQ sugar, which is very, very fun for children.It's hard to believe that it's so easy to operate and deliver. ...


Tree root cake

If you want to make a cake that not only tastes good but also catches the eye, then try making a tree root cake.You're right, it's a cake shaped like a tree root that can be eaten. ...


Yoghurt chocolate bean paper cup cake

This is a more recent cake, small, beautiful, tasty, and well received by many people. ...


Butter and bacon.

Bacon sprinkled with yellow sugar, fried in a saucepan until the oil is bright red, flipped over, repeated once, cooled,...


Red sugar red date cake

It is said that women eat red dates to replenish their blood, and this cake is just right, replenishes their blood, and smells like milk!...


Bread in the Gulhof

The shape of this small bread is unique and beautiful, it is a crown shape made of a hollow spiral-shaped mold, making it look like you have to love it, and it tastes soft and rich in layers.Its name, I've looked at a lot of sources, it's called Fadodo! The Chinese pronunciation is also varied, Goo Goo Hoof Goo Goo Hoof ... I still like to call it Goo Hoof .Kouglof, which originated in Austria but is also native to Alsace, France, is written on the blue ribbon.The name is derived from German, meaning to make bread ...


Banana wrapping

If you like bananas, don't miss it. Oh, it's so delicious when it's baked! The neighbors next door are excited....


Waiting for the aroma - Hokkaido toast in natural yeast

Waiting for this word has many faces, sometimes it's anxiety, sometimes it's helplessness, sometimes it's loneliness, sometimes it's calm, sometimes it's calm... and waiting for a piece of dough to ferment is like a kind of survival for me.It took two days to make such a plain-looking toast? Yes, on the first day after winter, on a not-so-warm day, slowly waiting for carbon dioxide to support the muscles of the air, for the white dough to swell quietly, for the rich light cream and egg yolk in the Hokkaido dough to...


Cream bread rolls - soft and tasty

The yeast in the medium material is first dissolved in water, stirred with a chopstick, then added to the high flour and...


The practice of making cranberry bread

It's as soft as the finished product, and in the middle you can also eat the white-scented coconut, go home to school and give it to your son, get high praise from your son, say it's very good to eat!...


Onion net bags

Onion net bags are like dumplings, wrapping delicious fillings inside, with a simple appearance.It's mainly divided into three parts: flour, butter, and filling, so don't be in a hurry to say much about the ingredients....


Slippery bread

200 grams of starch, 15 grams of fine sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 50 grams of yeast, 90 grams of water, 2 grams of yeas...
