Almond and walnut brownies

There are many desserts that are born with a mistake, a mistake, a mistake, a mistake, a mistake, a mistake, a mistake.The Chocolate Brownie is one of the most representative American cakes, originating in the 18th century, and is said to be the work of a black fat man who made a mistake in his busy life, but its unique aroma led to unanimous applause.It is now the most common homemade dessert in American households.Almost all household baking books abroad, especially parent-child baking books, always have a browni...


Step-by-step explanation of the 8 inch cake

If you want to make a cream cake on the basis of a whipped cream cake, first put 200 grams of light cream and 20 grams of sugar powder in the mixing bowl, then put the mixing bowl on the ice.The state of light cream is basically the same as the state of protein, wait until the light cream is thick, don't overdo it, overdo it and it becomes tofu!...


Sugar cookies

There's a slight difference in the taste of sugar cookies and ordinary fine sugar, there's a smell of sugarcane, welcome to learn with me, and welcome to join the Haikou Baking Academy: 390204035 We have an online exchange platform for 10,000 people to communicate and learn, hurry up and join!...


Cake with strawberry sauce

There's always all sorts of problems with cooking, so don't worry about the unexpected, it turns out that my family also loves it....


The annual cake roll

Preparing materials
180 grams of chocolate waterproofing melted to a liquid, 38 grams of butter added to the hand bl...


The taste of autumn - flowery yogurt mousse

An obvious sign is the flowering of the flower: the whole air is filled with a thick fragrance of flowers, the heart is filled with anger, intoxicating! The flower smells sweet, poisonous, has a healthy stomach, helps digestion, invigorates the blood, calms the sputum, stops coughing, etc., and can eliminate depression, balance the body, mind, emotions, relieve and relieve mental stress!Since the effect is so great, let's enjoy the healthy delicacies of nature in this golden autumn season!...


Banana and raisin muffins

Pre-soak the raisins in rum.
The butter is softened into a paste and then the softened butter is added to the white ...


The bubble

Preparation material, heating butter, water, sugar, salt together until the butter melts.
Heat until the butter melt...


Chocolate macaroons

Mixed with almond powder and sugar powder, mixed with protein.
Color can be added directly if needed.
Sugar and ...


Yellow peach cake roll

First, separate the yolk from the egg yolk. Sorry, I didn't take a picture.
First make the egg yolk, add 10 grams of...


A small cake in a paper cup

Late autumn festival, it's time to climb the peak of the cherry blossom, the opening city is very close to us, every time at this time there is a cherry blossom cultural festival, this year's cherry blossom exhibition also took place as scheduled, I heard that the ticket for the main hall was 70 yuan, a few people went together, hundreds went out.It's almost the same every year, I don't intend to go again this year, I made a small cake at home, even if it's a scene, haha, it feels like it's done. ...


Plants and sunflower paper cupcakes

This time, the flower needs a mouthpiece.
Put the eggs in the bowl of the cooking machine, if you don't have a cooki...
