Matcha and tea

The more basic the cake, the more you have to do it over and over again until you succeed.(This cake has tormented me for a long time) I love to eat desserts, I love to bake, I've always loved to eat soft, fluffy cakes, so for the first time I gave up the easy-to-use biscuits and started the long road of studying the atmosphere.For the skilled and the experienced, maybe they're already familiar with the basics, but for us beginners, faced with the problem of oven temperature regulation and protein spreading and sti...


The little yellow man's cake

Baked mango cake with fresh mangoes in it.It looks cute, too.Whoa, whoa.Handicapped PartyLet's put it together.Because I really like little yellow people.We are all children, young and old, to keep that precious childhood in our hearts.Have a good weekend.(I've been a little tired lately, so I haven't talked about it or said good morning to anyone.)Here's a sneak peek of the recipe and say good morning to everyone!...


Glutinous rice cake

Mix the milk with corn oil three times and heat slightly.
Add white sugar and a few drops of vinegar to the whole eg...


Tea and cranberry cake rolls

Egg yolk and sugar are mixed evenly, milk is added, corn oil is stirred evenly, do not stir.
The low flour and the m...


The orange cake.

Cut the middle part of the orange, according to the size of your grill, how many orange slices, the skin on both ends an...


Chocolate almond cheese cake

All powdered materials are mixed and sifted twice, and the sweet almond is dried and cut into small pieces.
The butt...


Tea and heart cake

Butter is softened at room temperature, sugar powder and egg juice are added alternately, until the volume is larger and...


Small orange cake

It's been a long time since I've made a cake, but today I'd like to make a simple warm-up.It's nice to have a mouth full of oranges.Now that it's time to eat oranges, what's left to do if you don't use what you should?...


A cake maker makes small cakes

Coca-Cola received this small cake maker yesterday evening, and I can't wait to try to make sponge cakes, the results are good, so I recommend it to everyone, a simple, convenient and useful small product, suitable for making cakes for babies. ...


Cocaine and morphine

We moved into a new house, got a new oven, limited materials, and put together a simplified version of the muffin. ...


French salmon pound cake

I've always missed French desserts, this one is from my childhood, it tastes good, even if it's cold, it's delicious.Students who do not like pineapple can substitute other vegetables, such as asparagus, green pepper mushrooms, etc. ...


Chickpeas and tea

Separate the egg yolk from the protein, starting with the egg yolk.
Add the coconut tea.
Added oil.
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