Onion soup sticks

This is a biscuit that has been modified from a soda biscuit, without searching for its correct name, it feels good on its own, especially if you have sugar in the house, this snack is very popular, the thick onion has a little bit of soda flavor, the crispy crispy is very good to eat. ...


Chocolate chip cookies and cookies

After softening the butter slightly, after a little whitening, add sugar powder twice, stir evenly, until the two are co...


The Arabs

Sugar powder and eggs mixed, not cooked
Screening low-fat flour
Stir with a scraper and knead with your hands.


Sweet finger biscuits - a healthy snack for babies

Long finger biscuits are great for babies to hold and eat!...


Onion butter biscuits

Raw materials: flour, edible oil, white sugar, yeast, milk powder.
The flour yeast is mixed evenly, adding white sug...


Milk and coconut cookies

This cookie is very crunchy, no eggs, the material is pre-mixed with flour, butter, milk, butter does not need to be sent, you can do it by hand, it is simple and quick, it is also good to squeeze with a three-powered mouthpiece.A small cookie, about 56 pieces, 4.5 cm in diameter. ...


Salt and pepper cake

Heat the milk to 30 degrees Celsius and put the yeast in it to dissolve.
Waterproofing of butter.
The powder of ...


Thumbs up

It seems simple, but it doesn't taste any different than it does now, but there's still a certain distance between the taste and the taste, and it takes a lot of practice to really make a perfect thumb cookie....


Small biscuits

Preparation of raw materials
After melting the butter at room temperature, add 60 grams of powdered sugar, blow slig...


Happy Squirrel Cookies through Childhood

It's a little strange, lately there's been a little bit of mysterious loss in my heart, why don't I bother? In the impression, beautiful women, always have a little bit of sadness, don't fall into the mold, like fairies... and I, but I've been soaking in flour all day, thinking about all kinds of baking things, it seems that there's a woman who doesn't have a heart, no lungs, no emotions....


Happy squirrel biscuits through childhood - the Shan family

After softening the raw dough with 1 tablespoon of butter, add the sugar powder to stir evenly, then add the light cream...


Margaret's cookies

The first time you hear Margaret, a lot of people wonder why a small cookie has such a cute name.The full name of Margaret's cookies is "Miss Margaret of Stresa, Italy", and in English it is "Italian Hard-boiled Egg Yolk Cookies".A long time ago, there was a pastry chef who, while making biscuits, silently recited the name of his beloved and put his handprint on the biscuits. ...
