Cinnamon cheese cake

Today's cake tastes different from the previous ones, with an extra layer of gingerbread on the surface; and it's made with red sugar and walnuts as ingredients, it tastes special and the nuts smell good.This cake has a lot of ingredients and a lot of creativity. ...


Corn on the cob

Cranberries: 1, pour milk into the bowl, 2, add vegetable oil, 3, add egg juice, stir evenly 4, mix the flour, butter, s...


Original flavored cake

I've been through three crazes and I'm a little afraid to try it again because I want to make a flower cake for my mother's birthday, and I finally mustered up the courage to try it again, and I didn't expect this time because I had the motivation to add a very careful approach, which made me a little surprised, although it's not very extreme, but it's quite satisfying for me as a beginner baking scholar!...


Eight inches of pumpkin

Pumpkins are rich in carotenoids and vitamin C, which can strengthen the spleen, prevent gastritis, prevent night blindness, protect the liver, make the skin thin, and have neutral and carcinogenic effects.Yellow fruits and vegetables are also rich in two vitamins A and D; vitamin A can protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, prevent the occurrence of diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers; vitamin D has the effect of promoting the absorption of two mineral elements, calcium phosphorus, and t...


The wind blows.

We know that Chiang Kai-shek is characterized by its delicacy and softness, and we often describe it as cloud-like delicacy.The delicacy and softness of the chicken cake is closely related to its moisture content.Hokkaido Chihuahua is an example of a high-egg Chihuahua, but it's a bit extreme.And hot noodles are another type of high-water, high-egg soup. ...


Dried candy cake

This dish is very popular because of the addition of rum and a lot of dried nuts, and all the red sugar, the taste is rich, thick and warm, the aroma is abundant when baked, it is very popular as a breakfast and afternoon tea, or baking a delivery is very good, the taste is better after cooling.The square is from Teacher Nakayama's Chihuahua cake (the material below is a 19 cm hollow mold, I used half the size of the 6 inch mold a little shorter, I feel that the 6 inch can be made in 3/4 size) ...


The original Madeleine cake

Madeleine's cake is a lovely little cake, it's amazing to see its belly in the oven, when you take it out of the oven and flip it over, it's even more lovely to see the shape of the round shell, bite a thick and delicate bite, and have a cup of coffee, I think it must be especially delicious!...


That green tea, Madeleine.



Miracle cake

Dark chocolate and eggs make up the main part of the cake, so the cake has a strong, thick, soft flavor, and is a perfect match for the delicate, thick coffee cheese filling....


Lollipop and chocolate cake

All the raw materials are ready for use, in addition, the silicone mold is smeared with butter and then glued to the rig...


The black chocolate muffin

Eggs poured into cooking oil
Add white sugar and stir evenly.
Add one egg, stir evenly, if more is done, stir ev...


A small cake of walnuts

This is not self-made, it's also learned from others. I especially like to eat garlic, and then add different dried fruits according to my preferences. Besides, this cake is relatively simple to make, there are complicated steps....
