A small cake with whipped cream

I did a lot of research, and I found out that it's easy to make, and when I made it, I found out that the amount of eggs is especially important! Because some eggs are very small, and if you don't have enough protein, it's easy to make them.I don't have a kitchen scale.I made it with a measuring cup, a measuring cup, a measuring cup, a measuring cup...But after this experience, I decided to do it myself....


Cake of the wind

I've done it many times, and it's either collapsed or cracked.This time I bought a non-stainless aluminum base mold and adjusted the proportion of moisture in the recipe.I've done it a few times according to the recipe, and it's been very successful....


Butter cookies - simple and easy to make

The butter is softened at room temperature, the sugar is poured into the butter, and it is sent with an egg beater until...


Cake and rice.

I'm the one who can make the cake!
The first time I did it, it was a success, but it wasn't puffed, so it wasn't flu...


Amish toast

Allow me to strongly recommend this low-cost toast (about 3 yuan minimum), with no additives at all, and also liquid oil, which has been voted five-star on many baking forums, sweet, soft, fluffy, low-calorie, and very good. ...


Japanese cotton cake

When I saw this cake, I wanted to make it, it felt so delicate and comfortable....


Bread like a cake

Brioche is a very famous French bread, made with lots of eggs and butter, with a crispy skin and a super soft interior.It is said that the amount of butter is required to reach 70%, which sounds a bit difficult, so this square is already very moderate.The traditional brioche is a small loaf of bread topped with a small round ball, and I made it into a toast.After that, the slices are baked at 180 degrees for 5 to 8 minutes, very spicy. ...


The cookie.

Cutting butter and softening it
Using an electric egg beater, spread smoothly to a light yellow (first sugar powder,...


Chicken from Provence

Today we bring you a simple delicacy called Provençal chicken soup.Provence is located in the south of France, north of the Alps and south to the Pyrenees.It is the world-famous home of lavender and a tourist destination.I'd love to go, but it's a little too much to ask. ...


Fresh shrimp fan salad

The fans are cooked in boiling water, pulled out and dipped in ice water, and the dried water is placed in a large bowl....


The apple grass

Add 1.5 grams of salt to the powder and stir evenly.
The fermentation powder is melted in warm water and poured into...


Fresh seafood and onion soup

I've been obsessed with Western food for a while, and now I actually like it, but I'm too interested, so I've been dragging it around, dragging it around, and I haven't done a few dishes yet.Suddenly it doesn't matter what you do, the important thing is not to stay where you are, step number 1.2.1That's all there is to it.Do you make Chinese food, baked goods, Western food, snacks?Love more and more now busy life all this, let me love from the heart, every day busy to the point of exhaustion but still smiling to sl...
