Florentine cookies

The word cookie is derived from the Dutch word koekje, which means small cake, generally referring to flour-based, whether soft or crispy, doughnuts that can be picked up by hand There are many ways to make cookie dough, the most common are the flower method, the stick method, the refrigerator method, the hand pinch method, etc.This Florentine cookie is made with a spoon, which means that the cookie dough is spooned up on a griddle, because the dough contains a lot of almonds, cream and lemon, the cookie texture i...


The clown cookie.

Cocoa powder, white sugar, and corn oil are mixed and stirred evenly with a silicone knife.
Egg juice is poured twic...


Cranberry cookies

Seeing pictures of food, I'm thirsty, imagining its deliciousness, collecting it, but I don't practice it, I didn't like cooking before, and now I'm slowly trying to do it, every time I succeed, watching my friends and colleagues share food, there's a sense of accomplishment. ...


The cranberry cookie

Cranberries have been in demand among baking enthusiasts in recent years, and cranberry cookies are also popular.Doing it yourself is healthier and fresher. ...


12 Pancakes with dragon eyes

Stir the butter and sugar evenly, then add the eggs to stir evenly;
Bread flour cake flour bubble flour salt mixed w...


Apples and pears

This little cookie was served at breakfast two days ago in Nobu, and it was made from the apple pulp left over from the apple juice machine, and it looked like my favorite little cherry blossom, and when it came out of the oven, the strong apple scent filled the whole room. ...


Margaret's cookies

The full name of Margaret's biscuits is Miss Margaret, who lives in Stresa, Italy. The English name is Italian Hard-boiled Egg Yolk Cookies. A long time ago, a pastry chef was making biscuits by silently remembering the name of his lover and putting his handprint on the biscuits....


Danish cheese

Material A is mixed and stirred until it turns white.
Add the eggs and stir.
Add milk to the mixture.
Add wh...


Margaret, please.

It's been a long time since Longgrass Margaret, but since doing this requires using cooked egg yolk, I feel the trouble hasn't been done.Today, seeing Margaret's parable, it makes sense to suddenly rise up and do it!...


Sweet potatoes

These biscuits are not shaped, but are cut after the dough is baked, which is called a bar in American biscuits.The square is a characteristic of its appearance, with a different flavor.The square refers to Master Meng's 100 cookies....


Fingers crossed

This cookie is super simple, as long as you have three ingredients of low-flour egg yolk, you don't have to wash a lot of tools.Whether it's eaten directly or used with tiramisu or as a decoration, it's delicious. ...


Eggs and milk

Materials: low-flour 50 grams of cornstarch 145 grams of milk powder 30 grams of refined milk 1 teaspoon of eggs 1 teasp...
