Pumpkin pie and biscuits

After softening the butter, add the sugar powder and spread to a uniform creamy paste.
Cut the pumpkin into small pi...


The two-color checkered biscuit

Today is the end of the year, the end of the year, the end of the year, the end of the year, the end of the year, the end of the year, the end of the year.And as for life, we should also think about the path we have walked in this year, whether it is happy or sad, whether it is sad or happy, whether it is good or not worth mentioning, whether it is rich or tasteless, whatever it is, life is always repeating itself, let's take stock of our thoughts, this will make me understand more about the many lessons of life.My...


Finger biscuits for children

Every time I do something small, they are very happy to give it to their friends, it's a very elegant little gift in life, especially here almost no one bakes, and few families have ovens, so everyone feels very fresh and curious about my work.People always think that strange things are unimaginable, my colleagues praise me for what I can do, in fact most of what I do is very simple, it's nice to play with baking! I can get a lot of praise!...


Peanut butter and whole wheat cakes

Recently, I was cleaning the kitchen cabinets and found a lot of things that had been hidden for a long time and were about to expire.It's often the case that after buying something, you use it once or twice, or even once, and you don't use it, and you lie there quietly in a forgotten corner, waiting for the day when you open the cupboard to look for something, and sometimes it's even expired, and you have to throw it in the trash.I don't know if this is an early symptom of Alzheimer's disease, but I'm cleaning up ...


Chocolate crackers with flavor

My parents went on a long vacation for the National Day, and I made them chocolate crackers as dry food, which tasted very good, cooled down and was delicious....


Margaret's little cookie

The first time I made a cookie, I was thinking about how to make a cookie, and then I found out that I had to add cornstarch, and this cookie is a very simple one in the cookie series, and a lot of people have tried it, and it's very successful, and it's very good for me as a beginner....


Cranberry oil cookies

Prepare the butter and dried cranberries.
Melt the beef oil like this.
Eggs are cooked in oil.
That's how it...


Original salt and pepper cake

My family's white blood cell count was low after chemotherapy, so I came up with this little cookie to eat when I was a kid. ...


Milk toothbrush

When your daughter has long teeth, make a sweet toothbrush full of motherly love for her baby!...


Finger cookies and tiramisu are a must.

Dry powder and sugar should be used first.
Add the egg whites, add the fine sugar, continue to make the hard foam, m...


The bear cookie.

The butter is softened at room temperature, added to the red sugar, and cooked at a low and medium speed until it expand...


Egg whites

Preparation of materials
After mixing the bottom and the foam powder, sieve.
Pour the egg yolk into a large bowl...
