Recipes for all-purpose bread

This is the first time I've published a recipe in three years, I've done a lot of things, I've been lazy to write, I've accumulated years of experience, I've launched this bread square, it's delicious to eat!...


Old bread

Mix all the ingredients of the dough into a clump, cover with a wet towel, and set the dough to double the size (the dou...


Flower bean sandwiches

Flower bean sandwich is a type of bread that is very suitable for beginners, the composition is relatively simple, and the success rate is very high. ...


Curry cheese and dumplings

Have all the materials ready.
Put the milk, eggs, curry powder, sugar and salt in opposite corners, put the powder h...


Cheese bags are popular nowadays

It's very popular now in Suzhou, have you ever eaten it? Most people who have been to Suzhou should know about this cheese bread, the sign of the garden cake house.Suzhou, a historic garden city, is ideal for living.It's also very famous, and I love it.As someone who likes to cook my own food, how could I not try it! But searching online, there is really no complete method, so I wanted to rewrite it.Because it's my own food, so I added a little bit of my own idea.This is a very mysterious square. ...


Soft cranberry wrap

I bought a bag of dried cranberries and it didn't work, I can't wait to see how long it expires, hurry up, it's good, I like this sour, sour, sweet taste, I can't stop ha! This is an improved version of the bag, low sugar, low oil, healthier, soft inside and outside Q has a strong chew, plus the fragrance of sorghum powder, the taste is great, who eats who knows. ...


Danish toast

It is a classic dish in toast.I love it too, because it doesn't really need anything to be added, it tastes rich.You don't know until you've eaten it. ...


It's an unforgettable meal of tea and beans.

The white dough and the matcha dough are mixed separately and mixed evenly into two doughs, put into the board and rub t...


Fruit bread

This is an attempt to make bread for the family, which is a bit special because it replaces some of the high-quality flour with glutinous rice flour.Glucose rice has a sweet taste, is warm, enters the spleen, stomach, and lungs; Glucose rice powder foods have a beneficial effect on the spleen, stomach, stomach, stomach, stomach, stomach, stomach, stomach, stomach, stomach, stomach, stomach. ...


Bread crumbs

In addition to the butter, the dough material is placed in the cook's mixing bowl, kneaded until the film comes out, the...


Corn ham and cheese rolls

The dough is kneaded to a smooth expanded stage.
Basic fermentation of the dough.
The basic fermentation time ca...


The Hamburg embryo

Basically, every time I make food, it's at the request of my son, who hasn't had a hamburger in a long time, and if you can do that, how good is it?This doesn't make six hamburger embryos right away.(The following ingredients are six portions of normal-sized hamburgers, four or eight with you if you're going big or small.)...
