Cinnamon cheese cake

Today's cake tastes different from the previous ones, with an extra layer of gingerbread on the surface; and it's made with red sugar and walnuts as ingredients, it tastes special and the nuts smell good.This cake has a lot of ingredients and a lot of creativity. ...


Matcha and Shuffle

When people think of France, they most often think of romance and food.The cuisine is characterized by its sophistication and complexity.From appetizers, appetizers, to main dishes, cheese and desserts, to a cup of coffee and a French meal, you need not only a good appetite, but also patience.Shuffle, also translated as scrambled eggs, is a method of cooking originating in France.The word soufflé comes from the past participle of the French verb souffler, which means to inflate or simply to inflate fluently, and it...


Chocolate banana cake

When you taste the first bite, you may not be able to guess what they are, you are curious to taste the second bite, the third bite... the sour, the sweet, the slightly bitter on the tip of the tongue... you find the original ingredients so mysterious! Then you must be the technician who performs the magic!...


Thousand layers of mango cake

I made a thousand layers of mangoes in a small cup, and added a mirror, suddenly I felt like mousse, the taste was like a stick drop because the Spring Festival is coming, I drew chocolate decorative accessories, wish my relatives Sanyang (goat) Thai, good luck...


Tea with cream

A is for the egg yolk part, B is for the protein part, C is for the cake decoration raw material egg yolk part: the egg ...


Cherry mousse

Here's an early version of the mousse, the recipe refers to you, I didn't make it into clay, I just made it into cherry slices, chewing on the flesh of the fruit is delicious. ...


Sea cucumber bread rolls

I don't remember how many times I've said that I like to eat salty bread, but it shouldn't be just bread, even cakes, if there's a filling, I generally like salty-tasting seaweed bread rolls, in fact, it's a part of the rolls replaced by fermented bread....


A dream of a cream-filled cake

I like blue fat, I'm trendy, I make small cakes, and I'm looking for my youth.This is made from a six-inch chicken cake, the specific recipe for the cake and how to make it. See my previous recipe. ...


Moose cup cake

Today I'm going to share with you a lovely mousse cup cake, which is edible as a whole. Oh, I'm also making a cup cake, if you don't mind, you can use cake paper at the bottom without making a cup!...


Purple sweet potato cake rolls

Purple potatoes are rich in anthocyanins, which can effectively eliminate free radicals in the body and enhance immunity, and purple potatoes are brightly colored, made into fillings wrapped in cake rolls, and are also extremely beautiful.This cake roll is a little thin because it uses only three eggs, and my grill is 28x35 in size, and the cake slices are a little thin, and the purple potato filling is a little round because the rolls are a little round.But it tastes better.It is not advisable to make the protein ...


Milk bread

I recently bought two books from the Blue Belt Academy.The photo shoot is very beautiful, naturally I don't want to do all the bread and dessert in the book again, but the technology is limited, I have to accumulate experience a little bit slowly, starting from the most basic.I like soft bread, and French bread is mostly hard, so I chose this small bread with milk, for beginners.I did one last night, and it was three o'clock in the morning, and I didn't feel satisfied, and I got up in the morning and decided to do ...


Bread in the Gulhof

The shape of this small bread is unique and beautiful, it is a crown shape made of a hollow spiral-shaped mold, making it look like you have to love it, and it tastes soft and rich in layers.Its name, I've looked at a lot of sources, it's called Fadodo! The Chinese pronunciation is also varied, Goo Goo Hoof Goo Goo Hoof ... I still like to call it Goo Hoof .Kouglof, which originated in Austria but is also native to Alsace, France, is written on the blue ribbon.The name is derived from German, meaning to make bread ...
