German Christmas bread

The recipe is based on a Texas farmer.There's enough atoms to make three -- I used 1/3 of the quantity to make one -- or the quantity of the original formula -- because 1/3 has a lot of zeros....


The pineapple bag

I remember when I first started watching TVB, I used to see people eating pineapple bags and wondering what they tasted like, and then I finally got a chance to taste them, and I liked them, especially the one with the peel, the one with the smell.Usually busy with the two little ones in the house, only time to make a toast with the bread maker, this time grandma and grandpa came, while there was free time to make a pineapple bag try and get back the memories of the past ...


Red bean sandwiches

Because the dough can only be spread with a mobile phone, the above ingredients, except butter, are poured into the bowl...


Bags of pineapple soup

The pineapple bag actually has no pineapple ingredients, and there is no filling in the middle of the bread.It is called a pineapple bag because of its golden-yellow, bumpy, crisp, pineapple-like skin.Pineapple bags originated in Hong Kong, where it is said that the people of Hong Kong considered the bags to be tasteless, so they added sweet fillings such as sugar to the bags.The crispy skin on the outer surface of the pineapple bag is the soul of the pineapple bag, adding flavor to ordinary bread, and is good for ...


Crowned bread

Coconut crown bread. ...


Delicious and nutritious bread

Delicious bread that you can make as you please, using the ingredients that you like to eat, such as vegetables, meat, fruits, food, beans, etc.I've tried all of them, and they taste good!To do something is to be bold in using ingredients, in fact there are no unusable ingredients, when it comes to the size of the water itself, it's OK.But you have to think about the size of the mold you're using, you have to leave room for expansion, don't forget to count the amount of dough, I once forgot, and the dough grew to t...


Milanese Christmas - Panettone bread

Panettone originated in Milan, Italy, with a rich aroma and ingredients that convey the ancient romantic feelings of the Italians, it is a Christmas cake, perhaps the same in every country, by the end of the year, everyone will like this pancake heart, it gives a rich and full feeling of happiness, because the recipe contains a lot of sugar powder and fat, so it is a bread with a long shelf life, it is said that traditional Italians have the habit of keeping it at winter temperature for 2 weeks, it is said that put...


The pineapple bag

The pineapple bag is a very common dessert, and my method can be prepared for those who want to bake but don't have time to stay at home for a day....


Sausage is a favorite of meat-eaters.

This recipe, which you can see online, has been changed a lot in the actual operation of the original recipe, the amount of liquid in the original recipe is too little, it is impossible to complete the dough! This sauce is very fragrant when it is hot, if there is no beach, it can be replaced with onions, onions are more moisturized, the liquid part remembers to reduce weight!...


Classic Hong Kong tea and pineapple bags

It's a gathering of materials, let's take a picture first, and then it'll be delicious.
This is the material for mak...


Iced pineapple oil

The bread virgin is dedicated to the pineapple bag.I've made a variety of biscuit cakes, but I've never had the courage to try bread, until I saw an educational video about pineapple cakes, and I decided to try it.It's a lot of work, it's a lot of sweat.But it's worth it to see the finished product, the grandmother ate it and said it's thicker than the one sold in the store.The disadvantage of this recipe is that the yeast is not selective, it is used with low sugar yeast suitable for hair, so it is not very good, ...


Farmer's chocolate and cassava bread

Farmer's chocolate walnut bread, which is based on farmer's bread with chocolate and walnuts added.The basic dough is the same, the accessories are mainly to increase the flavor, the combination of cashews and sweet and bitter chocolate is a combination of crispy fragrance and thick bitter and sweet, eating a slightly thick taste.If you want it to taste better and smoother, add a little cream when you eat it, but it's hot...Usually when I eat, I add a little bit of cheese, it's a little bit lower in calories, it ta...
