Sponge cake with a paper top

Tomorrow we will enter 2016, live a good life, according to the principle of more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more....


Cake with orange peels

Oranges are my favorite fruit in the winter, they're sweet and sour, they're moisturizing, they're rich in vitamin C, and they're best eaten in the dry winter.While we enjoy the delicious flesh of the fruit, don't waste the peel, it's a great natural flavor, and adding it to the dessert is definitely a drawing pen. ...


Fruit cake

I've always disliked pound cakes, which are high-calorie desserts, and I don't feel like they're high-calorie or good to eat.But this cake changed my mind about pound cakes, it's very, very good to eat, and it has a long shelf life, and it's got all kinds of sweet and sour dried fruit, and it tastes really good, and it's delicious. ...


Coal cake

Egg yolk protein separated, egg yolk added to refined oil, sugar mixed, milk added to bamboo charcoal powder mixed with ...


Whole egg sponge cake

Have all the ingredients ready, mix the milk and corn oil evenly, put the water in the microwave for 30 seconds.
4 e...


Cake of the wind

I saw a lot of beautiful flower cakes online, I liked it, I learned how to make flower cakes, I used blossom cake embryos, the body of the cake is light cream spread, five-leaf flower cream cream, the first time I made it, I didn't have any tools, the spread didn't fit together, the whole thing looked pretty, haha...


German thousand-layer cake

The authentic practice is a special roller, which is wrapped in a layer of paste in a trough filled with cake paste at the bottom, rises into the oven above and rotates the baking, until it is evenly cooked, then goes down to the cake paste, then rises into the oven and bakes one layer.This is repeated dozens of times until it forms a tree-like layer.Cake lovers know that cake skins are the most fragrant, this cake, layers have the fragrance of cake skins, the solid flavor is different.Although it costs money to co...


Six inches of popcorn

Put all the ingredients in the bowl, except the cream and sugar powder, use a small fire to make the bowl, be sure to ke...


Sponge cake

Preparing the material, I'm doing two weights, just one weights can cut the material in half.
Nine eggs + one whole ...


Yoghurt cake in a rice cooker

The yogurt in the cake has a slightly cheesy flavor, a slightly sour taste, and a thick flavor....


Original flavored cake

It's been a long time since I've made a cake, it's been a long time since I've eaten bread, I have to change my taste, whether it's bread or cake, it's always best to make it at home, if you have time or don't go out and buy it, start your own clothes and food, oh, my family eats healthy, that's my happiness, happy to make food, healthy and healthy forever......


Birthday cake from the Black Forest

I cooked it 8 inches, I hated it, so I used a knife to make a big circle on the edge.
The processed chickpeas are cu...
