Dried meatballs

The more you chew it, the more it smells.If you like it, you can try it. ...


Cream and peanut butter cookies

Excess cream can be consumed without using butter. ...


Margaret's little biscuits are full of love.

The full name of Margaret's cookies is "Miss Margaret of Stresa, Italy", and in English it is "Italian Hard-boiled Egg Yolk Cookies".There's a beautiful love story behind it.It is said that a long time ago, there was a pastry chef who, while making biscuits, silently recited the name of his beloved and put his handprint on the biscuits, which is where this little biscuit came from, and it also has some romantic elements, so let this biscuit remain deep in people's hearts.It's a little bit of a heart full of love fo...


Happy Squirrel Cookies through Childhood

It's a little strange, lately there's been a little bit of mysterious loss in my heart, why don't I bother? In the impression, beautiful women, always have a little bit of sadness, don't fall into the mold, like fairies... and I, but I've been soaking in flour all day, thinking about all kinds of baking things, it seems that there's a woman who doesn't have a heart, no lungs, no emotions....


Soda and biscuits

Low-powdered baking soda, powdered sugar powder mixed with sieve
Add salt and butter and rub them by hand into a uni...


Corn on the cob

Oil, sugar, eggs, milk, mixed and mixed.
Note that each additive should be stirred evenly immediately before adding ...


Happy squirrel biscuits through childhood - the Shan family

After softening the raw dough with 1 tablespoon of butter, add the sugar powder to stir evenly, then add the light cream...


Egg yolk buttons and cookies

What about the eggs that are left over from the bread? What about the eggs that are left over from the bread? What about the eggs that are left over from the bread? What about the eggs that are left over from the bread?...


Margaret's handmade cake

After a nap, open the curtains, turn on the computer, sit in the sun, make a cup of black tea, a plate of margaritas - how much fun would it be to catch up? Unlike the traditional margaritas, this one is inspired by a friend with milk. ...


Sugar cream cookies - powdered

Soften the butter at room temperature and send it out first.
Add the powdered sugar, stir evenly with a rubber scrap...


Margaret's cookies

Boil two eggs in cold water for eight minutes.
Remove the eggs and soak them in cold water.
Peel off the yolk an...


Margaret's cookies

Place the cooked egg yolk on the screen and squeeze the egg yolk with a spoon so that the egg yolk passes through the sc...
