Red wine and beef

2023-10-27 17:28:42MAIN DISHES





250 grams of beef
A carrot
Half an onion
One tomato
Potatoes (I don't have any at home
so I didn't put them in).
Olive oil in moderation
5 tablespoons of tomato sauce
High and moderate
Moonflower leaves in moderation
A moderate amount of berries
Red wine 150 ml

How TO MADE Red wine and beef

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, cut the beef into pieces and marinate with a little salt, black pepper, and olive oil.

2. Add olive oil to the pan, put in the beef jerky and fry it properly until the surface is micro-chopped yellow.

3. Add tomato sauce to the fried beef, stir until smooth, add carrot, onion, or potato sliced into rolling knife pieces, and flavor with bay leaves.

4. Pour red wine, wait for the wine to dissipate, then put it in the beef stew (no, you can't put it in, oh), and cook it over a high fire.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put the cooked beef in a saucepan, add the chopped tomatoes, cook the soup and turn the stew over slowly.

6. When the juice is noticeably thick after an hour and a half, sprinkle it with parsley, and it will be ready to eat at the last moment.


Handy cooking tips

  Because I like to eat some soft beef jerky, I put it in a pan, and if my friends are in trouble, they can cook it directly in the pan.But in the end, to avoid thick soup sticking to the pot, you should always observe.I cooked it on a slow fire for an hour and a half, and I felt that this was the best time to eat beef.Adding red wine and tomato sauce can make the soup taste very thick, and then combine it with beef to increase the elasticity of the skin, in winter it is not only cold-resistant, but also has a good beauty wrinkle effect, JMs who are afraid of cold must eat it often.