Steak meals

2023-10-27 17:29:17MAIN DISHES





A steak.
Mixed spices (sea salt + red pepper powder + pink pepper + mint + rosemary + parsley) in the right amount
Onions in moderation
Tomatoes in moderation
Red wine in moderation
Olive oil in moderation
Adequate sea salt

How TO MADE Steak meals

Steps 1 to 4

1. The steak is sprinkled with a little sea salt and soaked in red wine for about 10 minutes.

2. Red wine doesn't have to be without steak, steak is good about half soaked in red wine.

3. The surface is sprinkled with mixed spices.

4. The steak is soaked and dried.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add a little olive oil to the pan, put the onions in the pan, add a mixture of spices and stir evenly.

6. Put the sliced tomatoes in a saucepan and pour them directly onto the heated iron plate.

7. Add a little olive oil to the pan, and when it's about seven degrees hot, put it in the steak, add a little mixed spice, and fry for two minutes.

8. After two minutes, continue to fry for about two minutes.

9. The exact time is determined by the thickness of the meat.

10. This piece of meat is about an inch thick.


Handy cooking tips

  1. I bought a mixture of spices, if not, I could add sea salt and parsley.2. The lack of sea salt can be replaced by ordinary salt.3. if there is no onion cushion, it is recommended that when frying you can be a little softer than your preference, the iron plate residual temperature will also slowly heat the steak.4. The insulation of the iron plate is good, and it does not get cold after eating.