Red wine and black pepper steak

2023-10-27 17:29:20MAIN DISHES


  This is my first candlelight dinner, and my husband never realized it.In the face of each other's familiarity, I began to drink a little fruit wine, and when I saw the old man eating pasta, I almost burst out laughing, thinking that the look of stupidity was especially cute.I don't ask him to cooperate anymore, I enjoy the romance in my heart.I'm also glad that we didn't have a candlelit dinner when we first started dating, otherwise I'd have left unforgettable memories.This candlelight dinner consists of steak, potato salad, pasta, peaches, and a low-alcohol fruit wine.I don't drink much red wine, and I don't drink when it's fair, so I chose to decorate it with fruit wine, which is more suitable for both of us.This is also a wine that is very suitable for the atmosphere of the evening, recommended for baking a romantic atmosphere and likes to drink a little bit of low-income people.Add an ice cube, stand still for about five minutes, and drink it while the ice cube is still melting.



A moderate amount of beef
Moderate amount of butter
Carrots in moderation
Green beans in moderation
Sweet corn kernels in moderation
Onions in moderation
Beef soup (no water substitute) in moderation
Red wine in moderation
Black pepper in moderation
Rosemary in moderation
Roller sizes
Cow leaves to moderate
A moderate amount of salt

How TO MADE Red wine and black pepper steak

Steps 1 to 4

1. Melt the butter on the fire and lubricate the pan.

2. Add green beans, carrots, and sweet corn kernels to the mixture.

3. Add the onion head, stir evenly, and add the right amount of raw juice and salt.

4. It is then poured into beef soup or plain water, boiled slightly, and then cooked until it is ready to be cooked.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After making the sauce, you can fry the steak, but you have to marinate it beforehand.

6. A supermarket-bought steak washed clean.

7. The surface is sprinkled with salt, black pepper powder, rosemary, a little roll, and dried material from the leaves of the cow.

8. Pour onion grains on top of the steak and marinate for 15 minutes in a moderate amount of red wine.

Steps 9 to 12

9. A small piece of butter is melted at low temperature in a frying pan.

10. When the oil is 5 degrees hot, fry the steak on a small fire, flip it over, and ensure even heating.

11. Cook until ripe according to your preferences.

12. After frying, add the sauce you made before.


Handy cooking tips

  I personally like 8 mature, I have a psychological disorder against eating alien things.The longer the beef is cooked, the older it gets.