German potatoes

2023-10-27 17:32:08MAIN DISHES





250 grams of beans
One egg.
50 grams of flour
15 grams of onions
100 grams of vegetable oil
A moderate amount of pepper
A moderate amount of salt
A little butter.

How TO MADE German potatoes

1. Wash the potatoes, peel them, put them in a pot with a reasonable amount of water, cook them on fire for about 40 minutes, boil them until soft, boil the water, crush the potatoes into clay.

2. Add eggs, salt, pepper, and 25 grams of flour and mix evenly.

3. Cut the onions into small pieces, fry them in butter, pour them into the potato paste, and mix evenly.

4. The potato paste is divided into three parts, rolled all over the powder, pressed with a knife into two ends, in the middle a wide oval cake shape, pressed with a knife in the middle a treaty, on the edge alternating a few short lines; presented in the form of leaves.

5. Put the pan on the fire, put a little vegetable oil in it, heat it up, put the potato pie in it, fry it until it is golden yellow.

6. Then the code is put in a pan and baked in the oven for a few minutes, the potato pie is baked and shoveled into the pan, i.e. into the pan.


Handy cooking tips

  It can be served with sour cream or a little butter.The color is soft yellow and the fragrance is pleasant.