French toast

2023-10-27 17:32:16MAIN DISHES





Two slices of white toast
Fresh milk 200 ml
Two eggs.
1 tablespoon of fine sugar
2 tablespoons of cream
A little mint.
Strawberry sauce in moderation
A few drops of perfume
A little sugar.

How TO MADE French toast

1. The sugar is mixed with fresh milk and egg yolk, and the juice is mixed with vanilla.

2. Cut each slice of toast into two triangles at right angles, then soak the toast in the egg juice so that the toast fully absorbs the egg juice to about fifty percent saturation

3. Place the cream in a saucepan to heat and melt, then place it in a triangular toast and fry it until both sides are golden yellow to extinguish the fire.

4. The fried French toast is placed on a plate, topped with homemade strawberry sauce, then the whole strawberries are placed on the toast, and finally the mint leaves and sugar powder are used as a decoration.