Cinnamon salad

2023-10-27 17:32:32MAIN DISHES





One cherry
Two monkeys
One orange.
Salad sauce in moderation

How TO MADE Cinnamon salad

1. Peel the oranges, cut them into pieces, and put them in a large bowl as a backup; peel the cherries, cut them into pieces, and put them in hot water for a while (because cherries are easy to oxidize after being cut, the color doesn't look good, so it's necessary to peel them).

2. )

3. Finally, add the salad dressing and put it on the plate.


Handy cooking tips

  The meat of the big fish during the festival is probably too fatty, so after the festival you should improve your diet, eat more vegetables and fruits.Cinnamon is effective in helping digestion, regulating the gastrointestinal circulation of blood, removing high blood lipids, etc.It tastes a bit like a pear, crystal clear, sweet and crisp.Especially for first-time eaters, don't eat too much at once, one is enough.It is said that eating too much can cause diarrhea.What's going on?