Chicken juice and potatoes

2023-10-27 17:33:02MAIN DISHES





Potatoes in moderation
A moderate amount of milk
Chicken soup in moderation
Ham in moderation
Moderate amount of butter
1-2 tablespoons of salt
Black pepper powder in moderation
Proper amount of water starch

How TO MADE Chicken juice and potatoes

1. Two medium-sized potatoes, peeled and cut into several large pieces.

2. Put it in a pot of clean water and cook it.

3. Take it out, put it in a big bowl, use a tablespoon to crush the potatoes into clay, put a tablespoon of butter (I use margarine, which is vegetable butter), a little salt, one or two tablespoons of milk, mix evenly.

4. Don't be too rare.

5. Dig the mixed potato paste into small balls, or grind it by hand into small balls, put it on a plate, and arrange it.

6. If you make a ball with your hands, wet your hands with clean water, they won't stick to your hands.

7. In a small pot, pour a small bowl of chicken soup, add black pepper powder, add finely chopped ham silk (or sausage silk), boil, and stir with water starch.

8. Pour the sauce on the potato balls, and look at the cute, delicious chicken sauce and potato paste.

9. My chicken soup is already salty, so I don't add any more salt, and if it's not salty, it's better to add a little salt.


Handy cooking tips

  1 Take a little starch and mix it with water, i.e. water starch, if you like thin starch, put less starch, if you like thick starch, put more starch.Regarding potato paste, you can buy ready-made potato paste powder (it is said that fast food stores such as KFC use ready-made potato paste powder), add cow's milk, butter, etc. directly to the mixture, or you can make it with potatoes yourself.Personally, I think it's better to make my own potatoes, so I only use potato paste when I want to be lazy.3 tablespoons of chicken soup, of course I can make it myself, but I don't want to bother, I'll use the chicken soup can I bought.