Bacon and pasta

2023-10-27 17:34:43MAIN DISHES





250 grams of pasta
A little carrot.
A little bit of salt.
100 grams of bacon
10 grams of butter
10 grams of flour
250 grams of milk
Garlic 3 petals
A moderate amount of pepper
A moderate amount of salt

How TO MADE Bacon and pasta

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, put the butter in the milk saucepan and heat it to melt.

2. Remove from the fire, add the powder, stir evenly, add the dough, etc., and the milk will be slowly stirred.

3. Add a small amount of milk several times and cook on low heat for about five minutes.

4. Stir all the time, let the dough stand, stir the dough into a uniform dough, add salt and pepper powder seasoning.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Carrots and celery washed, chopped, sliced garlic.

6. Bacon cheese.

7. Add water to boil, add a moderate amount of salt, and put in the pasta and cook for 7 to 10 minutes.

8. It is cooked at the same time as the ingredients, the frying pan is heated to melt in a moderate amount of olive oil or butter, the bacon silk and garlic slices are fried evenly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add carrot butter and parsley and stir-fry.

10. Add the white sauce and stir.

11. (I started with too little white sauce, and then I added it all, and if I can't finish it all at once, remember to seal it and finish it as soon as possible.)

12. Add pepper powder and salt to the seasoning.

13. If you feel the sauce is thick, you can dilute it with milk or water.

14. When the pasta is cooked, take out a little water, pour it into the frying pan, stir and boil.
