Black beef stew

2023-10-27 17:35:28MAIN DISHES


  Today's dish, beef sauce is used to flavor the black pepper steak sauce, marinated and fried into meat sauce, also used to add color to the flavor, the dish is made by children who love to eat, one eats a big plate.There are many benefits of eating more beef in winter, beef contains rich proteins, amino acids, etc. Nutritional kitchen, can improve the body's resistance to disease, is especially suitable for the growth and development and post-operative rehabilitation of people in terms of supplementing the loss of blood and tissue repair.Cold winter beef, has a warm stomach effect, is a good supplement for cold winter.Chinese medicine believes that beef has supplemental benefits, nourishes the spleen, stomach, strengthens the muscles, cleanses the spleen, breathes, quenches thirst, and suppresses saliva.Suitable for people with hypoxia, chronic anemia and jaundice.



300 grams of beef
400 grams of tomatoes
50 grams of tomato sauce
200 grams of flour
200 grams of broccoli
5 grams of steak powder
1 gram of salt
2 g of white sugar
1 g of pepper powder
Onions in moderation
10 grams of wine

How TO MADE Black beef stew

Steps 1 to 4

1. Today's beef is slightly fatty, so the meat sauce is more flavorful.

2. Cut it by hand, but don't cut it too small, it's fine.

3. Add one cup of black pepper steak and yellow wine.

4. Stir evenly for 15 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The pan is heated and then the oil is added, the hot pan is cooled and the salted meat is quickly fried until it changes color.

6. Don't cook the meat at this time, otherwise it will age and change color after heating.

7. The beef is poured out and the onions are fried.

8. Tomatoes go to the pitcher and into the pot.

Steps 9 to 12

9. It is seasoned with pepper powder, sugar, and salt.

10. Cook the tomatoes until soft and add the tomato sauce.

11. It can be cooked for a while.

12. Add a moderate amount of salt to the boiling water and heat the broccoli.

Steps 13 to 16

13. While frying the tomato sauce, cook the noodles in another pot.

14. Put a little salt in the pot, the dough will cook better.

15. Cook for about 10 minutes and the dough will be soft.

16. When the dough is cooked, the juice is cooked, and the beef is put into the juice.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Fold evenly

18. Cooking is a good idea.

19. Continue cooking for about two minutes, allowing the sauce to soak.

20. The lighting in the kitchen doesn't work, and the pictures are colored.

21. When the dough is cooked, surround it with boiled broccoli, spread it in the middle and enjoy it on the table.