Cake is 6 inches.

2023-10-29 13:24:33BAKING


  To achieve this shape, it is best to use a live-bottomed cake mold to bake it more easily, and also not to paint the bottom of the mold and around it with oil and oil paper.



Two eggs.
45 grams of low-fat flour
30 grams of milk
30 grams of sesame oil
30 grams of flour

How TO MADE Cake is 6 inches.

Steps 1 to 4

1. Separate the egg yolk protein, add the egg yolk to the milk, add the oil, add a little sugar, stir evenly

2. Add low-fat flour to stir evenly.

3. Protein divided into three sugar powders

4. Add the protein three times to the egg yolk and stir evenly, remember to stir from the bottom up, do not stir in circles

Steps 5 to 8

5. Finally, mix it like this.

6. Then pour the mixed dough into the cake mold, and knock a few times on the table to shake off the bubbles.

7. Put the oven in the lower layer on 130 degrees for 20 minutes and then turn 150 degrees for 15 minutes.

8. After cooking, knock a few times around the mold, then hold it upside down on the shelf to cool it.

Steps 9 to 12

9. If the cake is cold, take it out and cut it into pieces.

10. You can eat it in pieces.
