What is the name of the city?

2023-10-29 13:25:37BAKING


  It's a waste of material to learn this.



Finger biscuits in moderation
Two eggs.
Fine sugar 30 g (protein)
Fine sugar 30 grams (egg yolk)
60 grams of low-fat flour
Tiramisu in moderation
250 grams of Mascarpene cheese
Three eggs.
70 grams of fine sugar
Clean water 60 grams
120 grams of cream
10 grams of gelatin
100 grams of coffee
Cocoa powder in moderation
Sugar powder in moderation

How TO MADE What is the name of the city?

1. First, the low-fat flour is sifted and stored as a backup, separating the egg yolk and protein.

2. In the process, 30 g of fine sugar is added to the egg yolk three times (there is a small trick to the egg yolk, low speed, medium speed, high speed, medium speed, low speed).

3. 30 g of fine sugar is added to the egg yolk, the egg yolk is released at high speed, the egg yolk turns white and thick.

4. Preheat the oven at 170 degrees, mix the egg yolk with the protein cream, duplicate the method, can't be calculated oh, then add the low-fat flour

5. The mixed dough is placed in a bag of flowers and squeezed out in long strips in a toaster.

6. Put it in the oven and heat it up to 170 degrees for 20 minutes.

7. In the process of baking cookies, we make tiramisu, boil the water and add fine sugar.

8. Spread the egg yolk, spread it until it swells and turns white, then pour the boiled sugar water a little bit (really a little bit into it, oh, otherwise it's easy to cook the egg yolk) keep the electric egg breaker on, until the egg yolk cools

9. Add the gelatin powder, here let's say, if it's a gelatin tablet, it needs to be softened with ice water bubbles in advance, and then softened with insulating water, the use of gelatin powder is 5 times the amount of water bubbles at normal temperature.

10. Mascarpone cheese can be turned around a few times with an electric egg beater, and it can be smooth.

11. Mix the egg yolk and mascarpone cheese evenly

12. Many of my friends ask me what it's called, it's called a tattoo, it's called a tattoo, it's called a tattoo, it's called a tattoo.

13. The good cream is added to the cheese paste, and the comrades mix it up.

14. All right, put all the ingredients aside as a backup, take out our baked biscuits, brush a little coffee wine on top of it.

15. Prepare a 6-inch live-bottom mold, put the brushed finger cake in the bottom of the mold, pour half of the mousse, add a layer of finger biscuits, add mousse, (some little friends like to eat biscuits, you can put three layers of biscuits) put in the refrigerator and refrigerate for 4 hours

Handy cooking tips

  When you touch your finger biscuits with coffee, you can brush the surface with a brush, but don't soak the whole thing in coffee.