Egg cup pudding with caramel flavor

2023-10-29 13:25:38BAKING


  Every time I add a little bit of cream, I try to start eating well, and I don't say a word to myself! It seems that the cream is my little leather whip on this baking path.



A moderate amount of brine
460 grams of milk
40 grams of cream
65 grams of fine sugar
150 grams of whole eggs
40 grams of egg yolk
The right amount of herbs
Carrot juice in moderation
60 grams of fine sugar
40 grams of hot water

How TO MADE Egg cup pudding with caramel flavor

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pudding cup, put in cold water, boil water and cook for 10 minutes.

2. Remove the dry water from the rack.

3. Fine sugar is put in a pot, heated over medium heat to a paste, turning red.

4. After the liquid boils and turns brown, turn the pot to make the sugar evenly colored and turn off the fire.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour quickly into hot water and stir quickly.

6. (Test the caramel, take a bowl of water, drop a few drops of caramel liquid, it will solidify quickly) Quickly divide the caramel liquid and pour it into the bottom of the cup.

7. Milk + soft cream + fine sugar heated to sugar dissolve (about 40 degrees)

8. Whole egg + egg yolk back and forth, stir thoroughly and evenly

9. After cooling to a low temperature, mix with the egg juice, drip into the vanilla extract, sift the pudding twice, and leave the bubbles.

10. Divide it into cups, put it in the oven, and pour warm water at 50 °C into the oven, about 1.5 cm high.

11. Put in a preheated oven at 150°C and bake for 1 hour.


Handy cooking tips

  This recipe is for eight 100ml pudding cups, I made seven ordinary cups and one egg cup about cooking caramel, cooking on a small fire after coloring, cooking well after hot water is easy to splash, be careful.To judge whether the pudding is ripe or not, it depends on whether it is vibrant as a whole, if only the middle vibration, it must be sent back to the oven to continue steaming.The caramel is slightly cooked, and the taste is more characteristic!