Carrot dried grape cake

2023-10-29 13:25:40BAKING


  After the Mid-Autumn Festival, if you're like me and you haven't run out of converted syrup at home, you might want to try making a caramel grapefruit cake.This little cake is not only simple to make, but it's also very tempting to smell and look at.The seemingly inconspicuous leftover material can be turned into a scented cake, which is a magnificent turn.



70 grams of low-fat flour
30 grams of converted syrup
70 grams of unsalted butter
10 grams of fine sugar
One egg.
2 tablespoons of milk powder
One-half teaspoon of powder
35 grams of converted syrup
30 grams of raisins

How TO MADE Carrot dried grape cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Weigh all the materials well.

2. After softening the butter, add fine sugar.

3. Stir until the sugar melts.

4. Add 30 grams of converted syrup in three batches.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Every time you add it, you have to stir it.

6. Add the scattered egg juice twice.

7. Each time it is added, it is quickly mixed with an egg beater.

8. The milk powder is mixed with the low-fat flour and the flour bubbles are mixed and sifted together.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Added to cream paste

10. Rubber scrapers are used to make a uniform dough in an irregular stirring method.

11. The dough is mixed for backup.

12. 35 grams of converted syrup is heated slightly over a small fire and poured into washed raisins.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Stir evenly while hot, so that each grapefruit is fully wrapped in syrup to make a caramelized grapefruit.

14. The dough is filled with a spoon or in the form of a bag of flowers, in the form of paper, 7 minutes full.

15. Caramel raisins are sprinkled on the dough surface.

16. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees, medium layer, bake for about 25 minutes, the surface will be colored.

17. Map of the finished product.


Handy cooking tips

  It is better to add it in stages, so that it blends more evenly with the cream paste and is more delicate.Conversion syrup has a high viscosity when cooled, so it should be heated and mixed with the raisins so that the raisins are fully wrapped.3 This cake paste is thicker and easier to handle by squeezing it into a paper mold with a bag of flowers 4 If black grapefruit is used, the amount added may be slightly less than ordinary grapefruit.5 Adjust the temperature and time according to your home oven and observe carefully